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How to Check Shoes for Bed Bugs

You’ve just returned from a trip, and before unpacking your suitcase, you have to check your shoes for bed bugs. Of course, no one wants to bring home these little pests, but unfortunately, they can hitch a ride on your clothes and shoes and end up in your home. So here are a few tips on how to check shoes for bed bugs before you bring them inside or put them away in storage.

How to Check Shoes for Bed Bugs

Can You Carry Bed Bugs on Your Clothes or Shoes?

You may have heard that bed bugs attract dirt and grime, but did you know that they can also hitch a ride on your clothes or shoes? While it’s true that these pests prefer to live in dirty environments, they are also adept at hiding in clean areas. In fact, bed bugs have been known to infest hotels, hospitals, and even private homes.

If you’re planning to travel, be sure to inspect your luggage carefully before bringing it into your home. And if you’re worried about bed bugs infesting your clothes, laundry them as soon as possible after returning from your trip. By taking some simple precautions, you can help keep these pesky pests at bay.

Why Should You Check Shoes for Bed Bugs?

Bed bugs are small, reddish-brown insects that feed on the blood of humans and animals. They are often found in mattresses, box springs, bed frames, and headboards. However, they can also be found in other places where people sleep, such as hotels, shelters, and even airplanes.

While bed bugs are not known to transmit disease, they can cause several health problems, including skin rash, allergic reactions, and psychological distress.

When traveling, it is important to check your shoes for bed bugs before entering your sleeping area. Bedbugs are great hitchhikers and can easily attach themselves to clothing or luggage.

Once they are in your room, they will hide in cracks and crevices during the day and come out at night to feed. By checking your shoes for bedbugs before entering your sleeping area, you can help reduce the risk of bringing them into your home.

8 Steps to Follow on How to Check Shoes for Bed Bugs

Step 1: Inspect the Outside of Your Shoes for Bed Bugs

The first step is to inspect the outside of your shoes for any signs of bed bugs. If you see any dark spots or stains on the shoes, that could indicate that bed bugs are present. You should also look for any small holes in the shoe’s fabric, as this could be where the bed bugs are hiding.

 Inspect the Outside of Your Shoes

If you suspect that there may be bed bugs on the outside of your shoes, it’s best to remove the shoes and place them in a sealed plastic bag until you can wash them.

Step 2: Check the Interior of Your Shoes for Bed Bugs

The next step is to check the interior of your shoes for bed bugs. Start by removing the shoe’s insole and looking at its bottom for any signs of bed bugs. If you see any, there’s a good chance that there are also bedbugs in the shoe.

Once you’ve checked the insole, put it back in place and shake out the shoe to see if any bed bugs fall out. If they do, then there’s likely more inside the shoe. 

Step 3: Inspect Your Socks for Bed Bugs

If you’re wearing socks, the next step is to inspect them for bed bugs. Start by looking for any dark spots or stains on the socks. If you see any, that could indicate that bed bugs are present.

You should also look for any small holes in the sock’s fabric, as this could be where the bed bugs are hiding. If you suspect that there may be bed bugs on your socks, it’s best to remove the socks and place them in a sealed plastic bag until you can wash them.

Step 4: Inspect Your Feet for Bed Bugs

The next step is inspecting your feet for any bed bugs. Start by looking for any dark spots or red bumps on your skin. You may have bed bugs if you see anything that looks like a bite.

 Inspecting Your Feet for Any Bed Bugs

You should also look between your toes and around your ankles for any signs of bed bugs. If you suspect that you have bed bugs, it’s best to shower and wash your clothes as soon as possible.

Step 5: Vacuum Your Shoes

The next step is to vacuum your shoes to remove any bed bugs that may be present. Start by removing the shoe’s insole and vacuuming the inside of the shoe. Next, vacuum around the shoe’s edges and in any crevices where bed bugs may be hiding.

Once you’ve vacuumed the inside of the shoe, put the insole back in place and vacuum the outside of the shoe. Be sure to vacuum around the shoe’s sole and in any crevices where bed bugs may be hiding.

Step 6: Wash Your Shoes

The next step is to wash your shoes to remove any bed bugs that may be hiding on them. You can wash your shoes in the washing machine using hot water and laundry detergent. Alternatively, you can hand wash your shoes using a mixture of hot water and dish soap.

After washing your shoes, make sure to dry them completely before wearing them again. You can either air dry your shoes or put them in the dryer on the high heat setting.

Step 7: Inspect Your Shoes Regularly

To prevent bed bugs from getting on your shoes in the first place, it’s important to inspect them regularly. Take a close look at your shoes after wearing them in public places, such as hotels, libraries, or public transportation. If you see any bed bugs, remove them immediately.

Step 8: Store Your Shoes Carefully

The final step is to store your shoes to prevent bed bugs from infesting them again. Start by placing the shoes in a sealed plastic bag. Then, place the bag in the freezer and leave it for at least 24 hours. This will kill any bed bugs that may be present. Once the time is up, remove the shoes from the freezer and store them in a cool, dry place.

That’s it! You’ve now learned how to check shoes for bed bugs. Remember to follow these steps every time you wear shoes to help prevent bed bugs from infesting your home.

How to Get Rid of Bedbugs From Shoes?

Inspect the Inside and Outside of Your Shoes
  1. Check for bedbugs in your shoes regularly. Inspect the inside and outside of your shoes for any signs of bedbugs. Bedbugs are small, brownish-red insects that feed on the blood of humans and animals. They are often found in mattresses, furniture, and clothing.
  2. If you find bedbugs in your shoes, remove them immediately. Use a vacuum cleaner to remove any bedbugs and their eggs from your shoes. You can also use a stiff brush to remove them.
  3. Dispose of any bedbug-infested items in sealed plastic bags. Place infested items in sealed plastic bags and dispose of them in a trash can that is away from your home.
  4. Wash and dry your bedding and clothing regularly. Bedbugs can live in your bedding and clothing, so it’s important to wash and dry them regularly. Use hot water and the highest heat setting on your dryer to kill any bedbugs or their eggs that may be present.
  5. Contact a professional if you have a severe infestation. If you have a severe infestation of bedbugs, contact a professional pest control company to get rid of them.

What Are the Signs of Bed Bug Infestation in Shoes?

Bedbugs are small, parasitic insects that feed on the blood of mammals and humans. They are most active at night and often hide in cracks and crevices during the day. While bedbugs can infest any home, they are especially attracted to places where people sleep, such as beds, couches, and chairs. One of the first signs of a bedbug infestation is the presence of small, brownish-red bugs in shoes.

These bugs are about the size of an apple seed and can be difficult to spot. Another sign of bedbug infestation is the presence of small, dark spots on shoes. These spots are actually bedbug feces and can be seen on the inside of shoes, clothing, and upholstery. If you suspect that you have a bedbug infestation, it is important to contact a professional pest control company for assistance.

You Can Check It Out To Disinfect My Shoes From Bed Bugs

How Can I Tell if My Shoe Is Infected with Bed Bugs?

You may be surprised to learn that bed bugs can infest your shoes. Unfortunately, these sneaky pests are experts at hiding and often hitch a ride into your home on your clothing or belongings.

While bed bugs are not known to carry diseases, their bites can be extremely itchy and painful. So how can you tell if your shoe is infected with bed bugs? There are a few things to look for:

These Spots Are Bed Bug Droppings
  • Small, dark spots on the inside of your shoe. These spots are bed bug droppings and can stain your shoes and clothing.
  • Bites on your feet or ankles. If you have unexplained bites in these areas, it may be due to bed bugs.
  • A sweet, musty odor. The bed bugs’ pheromones cause this, which can be a telltale sign that they’re present.

If you suspect that your shoe has been infested with bed bugs, it’s important to take action immediately. These pests reproduce quickly, so the sooner you get rid of them, the better. Start by vacuuming out your shoe and then laundering all of your clothing in hot water.

You may also want to contact a pest control professional to help get rid of the problem completely. Keep reading for more information about how to check shoes for bed bugs.

How to Prevent Bed Bugs from Getting Into Your Shoes?

Bed bugs are small, unwanted houseguests that thrive on human blood. Though they’re not known to transmit diseases, their bites can be irritating and uncomfortable. To prevent bed bugs from opening shop in your home, it’s important to take some simple precautions. One of the easiest ways bed bugs hitch a ride into your home is on your shoes.

They can crawl into shoes that are left out in common areas or stored in closets and then make their way inside. To avoid this, always keep your shoes in a sealed bag or container when you’re not wearing them. You should also inspect your shoes carefully before putting them on and shake them out if you suspect they may have picked up any unwelcome passengers.

These simple steps can help ensure that bed bugs don’t make themselves home in your shoes – or anywhere else in your house.

How Long Do Bed Bugs Live in Shoes?

Bed Bugs Are Pesky Pests

Bed bugs are pesky pests that are known for infesting homes and businesses. While bed bugs can live in various environments, they are most commonly found in mattresses, furniture, and clothing. However, bed bugs can also survive in shoes. Due to their small size, bed bugs can easily hide in the crevices of shoes.

They will often stay hidden during the day and come out at night to feed on their human hosts. While bed bugs only live for about ten days without a blood meal, they can survive for several months in shoes. This is because shoes provide a dark and warm environment that is ideal for bed bug development.

In addition, shoes offer a ready supply of food from human skin cells. As a result, bed bugs can survive for long periods of time in shoes. Therefore, if you suspect that your shoes may be infested with bed bugs, it is important to contact a pest control professional as soon as possible.

Survive for Long Periods of Time in Shoes


By following these steps, you can help prevent bringing bed bugs into your home on your clothing or in your luggage. Inspecting your shoes for bed bugs before you bring them inside is a simple but effective way to keep these pests out of your home.

When you travel, be sure to inspect your shoes for bed bugs before you bring them into your home. These pests can hitch a ride on your clothing or luggage and infest your home. Thanks for reading our post about how to check shoes for bed bugs.