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How to Disinfect Shoes After Plantar Wart

If you have ever had a plantar wart, you know just how contagious it can be. Not only are they unsightly and painful, but they can also be extremely difficult to get rid of. One of the best ways to prevent the spread of warts is to disinfect your shoes after each time you wear them. Here is a guide on how to disinfect shoes after plantar wart effectively.

Disinfecting shoes can be hard to do if you are unsure what method to use. If your shoes can be washed, the easiest way to disinfect them is by simply washing them with soap and water. If they cannot be washed because of materials or other reasons, ensuring that they are clean should be done before wearing them again after a wart appears on your foot.

How to Disinfect Shoes After Plantar Wart

Things You’ll Need

  • Paper towel
  • Rubbing alcohol (Isopropyl Alcohol)
  • Cotton swab
  • Disinfectant Spray
  • Hydrogen Peroxide
  • UV Shoe Sanitizer
  • Bleach
  • Baking Soda and Vinegar

6 Methods on How to Disinfect Shoes After Plantar Wart

Method 1: Use Disinfectant Spray

If you have a plantar wart positioned somewhere that is easily accessible, try using a disinfectant spray to kill the virus before wearing your shoes again. First, spray the area where the wart is located and air dry naturally without rinsing it off with water. Repeat this process every day until the wart disappears.

The downside of using disinfectant sprays is that they can sometimes irritate your skin while killing off any live virus cells, which may not be ideal if you are suffering from pain due to severe cases of plantar warts.

Method 2: UV Shoe Sanitizer

UV shoe sanitizers are designed for use in public places like gyms, locker rooms, and hospitals because it uses ultraviolet rays to sterilize equipment, surfaces, and objects rather than chemicals. The ultraviolet rays sanitize the surface of your shoes by killing any remaining virus cells without damaging or corroding the footwear.

Using this method is simple; place your shoes in the machine, close them and press start. Once you’re done with that, take out your disinfected footwear when prompted to do so.

Method 3: Bleach

When combined with water, Bleach can kill off any virus cells that are present in your infected footwear once activated via oxidation due to its high acidic properties. How to use this method successfully is by filling a bucket or pail with enough bleach and water mixture (50/50 ratio) to soak both shoes at the same time before washing for a minimum of thirty minutes.

Bleach Can Kill Any Virus

This process may cause damage to your footwear, so it is advisable to do a spot test first before dumping the whole bottle into the bucket to be safe.

Method 4: Baking Soda and Vinegar

If you have nothing but baking soda and vinegar at home, try using this as a substitute for commercially available chemicals that can help disinfect your shoes from virus cells after a plantar wart infection. Using this method successfully is by mixing one tablespoon of baking soda with about eight teaspoons of vinegar (distilled preferably) in a small container like an empty cereal box or any container that has sufficient room for both feet inside.

Next, place your affected footwear inside the container and allow them to sit for thirty minutes before taking them out. The remaining mixture should be thrown in the trash or continue to soak and disinfect your shoes until the wart disappears entirely. This is a crucial step in how to disinfect shoes after plantar wart.

Method 5: Use Rubbing Alcohol

Rubbing alcohol is an ideal disinfectant to use when you have plantar warts located somewhere on your feet that is easily accessible. Using this method successfully is by dipping a cotton swab in 100% rubbing alcohol before applying it directly onto the wart for two minutes before removing it.

Repeat this process every day until the wart disappears entirely for the best results. The downside of using rubbing alcohol is that it will cause skin irritation which can worsen pain if left untreated.

Method 6: Use UV Shoe Sanitizer

If you have a plantar wart located somewhere that is easily accessible, try using a UV shoe sanitizer to kill the virus before wearing your shoes again. Using this method successfully is by placing your shoes in the machine and air dry naturally without rinsing them off with water. Repeat this process every day until the wart disappears.

Use UV Shoe Sanitizer

The downside of using UV shoe sanitizers is that they can sometimes irritate your skin while killing off any live virus cells, which may not be ideal if you are suffering from pain due to severe cases of plantar warts. However, these methods will help in how to disinfect shoes after plantar wart.

Tips and Warnings


  • Make sure you thoroughly clean all parts of the shoe or sneaker.
  • After you have finished cleaning them, disinfect by spraying a solution made from water and rubbing alcohol onto the soles of your shoes.
  • Let them air dry completely before wearing again.
  • The spray bottle should be at least eight ounces to ensure enough solutions to disinfect the shoe properly.
  • If your shoes are too small or large to fit in a washbasin, you can still disinfect them with water and soap in the shower. This works best if you have liner socks in your shoes when you wear them, but keep in mind that you will need to thoroughly air dry your shoes after cleaning them.
  • Disinfecting kitchen towels or rags used for cleaning shoes can help protect against cross-contamination, primarily if they were used to wipe up fluid from one of your plantar warts before removing it permanently.
Clean All Parts of the Shoe


  • Be sure never to use bleach when disinfecting. The acidity in the bleach can damage your shoes and may burn your skin if you spill it on yourself during application.
  • You should not wear shoes or sneakers that were submerged in water for an extended period, even if you try to dry them off. Shoes and sneakers made from natural materials such as leather will absorb water quickly, making them a breeding ground for bacteria and fungus that can cause diseases, including plantar warts. It is always best to air dry any shoe or sneaker before wearing them again.
  • The best way to prevent plantar warts is to wear well-fitting cotton or nylon socks that are not too tight.
  • You should avoid touching your feet if you have recently used a public shower, pool, hot tub, sauna, steam room, or whirlpool. These places are known for being breeding grounds for viruses and fungi.
  • You should never share shoes or sneakers with another person unless they have been disinfected. Sharing contaminated items is the primary way to contract plantar warts through your feet.
  • – If you are planning on wearing open-toe shoes or sandals, be sure to disinfect your toes daily since they are more vulnerable to plantar warts.


Plantar warts are one of the most common skin lesions in humans. They can take a long time to heal, and it’s essential to keep your feet clean while you’re going through this process.

You should avoid wearing shoes as much as possible, and if you do wear them, ensure that they are clean and disinfected before putting them on. Disinfecting shoes after the plantar wart is not hard with the right products. We hope informations on how to disinfect shoes after plantar wart Was helpful!