The lining of your shoes is a major component in terms of comfort and stability. If the shoe lining starts to peel, then this can be an indication that there may be something wrong with the shoe itself. It could also be a sign that you need new laces or have been tying them too tight. No matter the reason for peeling, it’s important to know how to fix this problem. So in this guide, we are here to help you on how to fix peeling shoe lining.

Can You Fix Your Pelling Shoe Lining?
Yes! Peeling shoe lining can be fixed in a variety of ways. The very first step is to take the offending shoes off and examine what needs fixing. If you notice that any part of your laces is coming loose, then tie them tightly for now until you have time to get new laces or fix them with an alternative method later on.
When the lining of your shoe starts to peel, then this can be an indication that there may be something wrong with the shoe itself.
It could also be a sign that you need new laces or have been tying them too tight. No matter the reason for peeling, it’s important to know how to fix this problem so you won’t have to limit the use of your shoes.
Materials You’ll Need:
- Duct tape
- Hairspray
- Painters tape
- Scissors
- Adhesive Glue

Follow the Steps on How to Fix Peeling Shoe Lining
If your shoes are lining out, then these steps will help you fix the issue. We’ll cover what you need and how to follow them below:
Step One – Figure Out If You Can Fix It or Not
The first thing that you should do is decide if there’s anything wrong with the shoe itself, such as a broken heel or sole, which can cause this issue. This usually happens when an individual wears tight laces over time.
Doing so causes pressure at the back of the shoe where it meets up with the tongue, causing peeling from repetitive rubbing between both surfaces. There may also be something wrong in terms of quality control on behalf of the manufacturer; this could lead to holes near seams or fabric defects- either of these could be the culprit.
Step Two – Clean It Up and Apply a Patch If Necessary
If it’s not an issue with the shoe, then your next solution is to clean up any loose bits of the lining that have peeled off from wear-and-tear or to apply a patch on top of where it has come apart.The first step in this process would include examining the peeling area for anything sharp sticking out, as well as removing any debris around them.
Then you’ll need to find some kind of Adhesive like glue or tape and place it over the hole so that one part sticks to its surface while another holds onto what remains of the shoelace’s fabric cover. You can also try using nail polish to patch the hole.
Step Three – Examine for Sharp Objects or Debris
The next thing that you’ll need to do when troubleshooting a peeling shoe lining is to examine if there’s anything sharp stuck into it like metal pieces from drilling or objects which were left behind while wearing shoes with open backs, such as dirt, stones, pencils etcetera.
Remove these items so they’re not causing further damage or hampering how securely the adhesive can bond back together again. If this doesn’t solve the problem, move on to step four.
Step Four – Apply Adhesive to the Area and Let it Cure
After that, you’ll need to do apply adhesive material on top of the peeling shoe lining. This will help provide a temporary fix until you can get your shoes repaired properly at a cobbler or shoemaker’s shop.
You might also set up an appointment with them so they’re aware of what happened, so they know how deep the tear in your footwear goes and if there are any other problems involved like worn-out soles for instance.
It’s best not to walk around while this Adhesive has just been applied because it won’t be able to cure as quickly and may come undone from pressure points along the way. If it comes apart before setting, you can always re-apply.
Step Five – Repairing Holes in Your Shoes Lining
If you have a hole or two, you’ll need something that will adhere well and won’t come apart when pressure is applied from walking around on it. You can use many different types of glue as long as they are specifically made for this purpose (they should say “shoes” somewhere in their description).

For instance, if you want an adhesive that’s waterproof, then some good options would be Super Glue Gel, Contact Cement, or Rubber Cement. The best option might depend on what type of material your shoes are made out of so ask before buying anything just to make sure it.
Tips to Use Your Shoes for Longer Period
If you want to make your shoes last a little longer, then use the tips from this guide.
- Keep them clean by brushing off dirt with just water
- If it’s possible, put on different pairs of socks when walking around in public so that you don’t wear one pair down too fast; always keep two or three pairs handy for quick switches if need be
- Put shoe inserts inside as well (which can help prevent injury)
- Use light materials such as cotton and leather instead of thick materials like wool and velvet because they’re heavier and more difficult to walk in: preferably ones made out of breathable fabrics such as nylon or polyester, which will allow less sweat build up.
Frequently Asked Questions:
What Diy Tricks Have You Used in the Past to Fix Peeling Linings?
I have used several tricks to fix peeling linings. The first one is by using fabric glue or contact adhesive and then attaching it back in the place where the lining has started to peel away from the shoe.
A second method that I like doing is sewing them on with a needle and thread, which does work but can be time-consuming.

The last trick that I have used, which seems like an easy one but not so much if you don’t know-how, is by using Shoe Goo liquid rubber and attaching it back down.
How Can One Prevent the Liner From Peeling Off on Older Soles?
In order to prevent the linings from peeling off on older soles, you should try not to wear your shoes for extended periods of time.I know this is hard but if you do it every day then they will start to peel more quickly than if only worn once a week or so.
This can be solved by using insoles that are not as thick or by putting a piece of cardboard in the shoe.If your shoes have leather soles, then there are also special treatments you can use such as Nikwax and Lexol that will help to keep it waterproofed for longer periods of time.
Can the Inside Lining of Shoes Be Repaired?
Yes, the inside lining of shoes can be repaired. If your favorite pair of shoes is looking worn out or torn, you can take them to a shoe repair shop and have them fix it for you. However, if you want to do it yourself at home, there are many tutorials online that will teach you how to patch up holes in the lining yourself.
Is Shoe Goo a Glue?
Shoe Goo is a type of adhesive that is applied to shoes and soles. It’s often used by people who want to repair their shoes without using traditional glue, tape, or glue.
It was originally created in 1948 as a shoe polish but later became an adhesive when it was found to be waterproof and safe for use on leather. In conclusion, Shoe Goo is not glued because the two words have different meanings.
Why Do Shoes Peel in Storage?
The reason why shoes peel in storage is due to the fact that shoes are made of materials that have been treated with chemicals. These chemicals can cause these materials to shed over time, which can lead to peeling.
It’s not a good idea to store your shoes in areas where they may be exposed to heat or direct sunlight because this will accelerate the shedding process.
What Glue Can I Use to Fix My Shoes?
There are many types of glue available in the market, and some of them are mentioned below:
Super Glue: This is a type of glue that is very strong and can be used to repair almost anything. It comes in a tube or bottle with a trigger mechanism for use.
Epoxy Glue: This is also called liquid hide, cyanoacrylate, or super glue. It dries quickly and bonds well to most surfaces, but it does not adhere as well to fabrics. Epoxy glues come in a tube or bottle with a trigger mechanism for use.
Gorilla Glue: This type of glue sticks instantly and is safe on most materials because it dries clear. However, if you apply too much Gorilla Glue at once, the excess may seep out when you peel off the paper backing or release fumes when applied to certain materials like polystyrene foam boards or plastic cups due to its low viscosity (thickness).
This two method should be enough. For white stitching, you only need method one. But you can use a wax pencil if you want. For colored stitching first, apply bleach pen then after polishing apply wax pencil.