If you’re like most golfers, you take great pride in your equipment. You want to make sure that your clubs are in good condition and that your attire is appropriate for the course. One of the essential pieces of equipment for any golfer is their shoes. No one wants to be playing in wet or muddy shoes, so it’s critical to keep them waterproof. Multiple methods can be used to waterproof your golf shoes. This article will discuss how to keep golf shoes waterproof.
Golf shoes are typically made from leather or synthetic materials. The shoe’s upper part is designed to protect your foot from the elements while playing in inclement weather. Most golf shoes also have a rubber sole for traction and grip when hitting a shot. Read on to learn how to keep your golf shoes waterproof.

Things Youll Need
- Waterproofing material
- Clean cloth
- Garbage bag or small container
- Toothbrush/ old toothbrush
A Stepwise Guide on How to Keep Golf Shoes Waterproof
Step 1: Determine the Appropriate Waterproofing Material to Use
You can choose from a variety of waterproofing materials for your shoes. A common approach is the application of wax, but this may smear or fall off, especially if you scrape your shoes against rough surfaces such as rocks or grass stalks.
Instead, opt for petroleum jelly, which has adhesive properties and will better hold dirt out. Petroleum jelly will also be less visible on leather than boot wax. Another option is silicone spray, which offers water-resistant properties and flexibility in shoe construction.
Step 2: Clean the Shoe
Take a clean, damp cloth and wipe down the exterior of the golf shoes. Take care not to get them too wet as any excess water may start to soak through. You can also use moistened cotton swabs if they are available. This will remove dirt and other particles, potentially mar the final application of waterproofing material. Allow your shoes to dry completely before moving on with Step 3 or applying silicone spray.

Step 3: Apply the Material
After cleaning your shoes, you can now apply the waterproofing material. Depending on the type of waterproofing material that you use, you can either spray it directly onto your shoe or apply it manually using a clean paintbrush. When applying manually, cover all parts of your shoe, including its sides and soles. Generally, however, it is recommended to focus more on the uppers as these are more exposed to water than other parts of your shoe.
If using petroleum jelly, scoop up some with your finger and spread evenly on areas that need protection. Remember that any excess powder or dirt may not only come off quickly but also affect the quality of waterproofing applied on different parts of your shoe.
Using petroleum jelly will make your shoeshine, but make sure to let it dry for at least two hours before wearing the shoe. Silicone spray also requires two hours before it is scorched but only needs to be applied once, unlike petroleum jelly, which requires frequent applications. This is a crucial step in how to keep golf shoes waterproof.
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Step 4: Seal the Seams
After you’re sure that your shoes are waterproof, wipe them down again to remove any excess material. Next, take a long strip of flannel or cotton cloth and wrap tightly around all the shoe seams using rubber bands to secure them in place. This will seal the seams off from dirt and other particles while allowing you to keep your golf shoe water-resistant for more extended periods. Remember to switch out the old flannel strip for a new one after several weeks or months of continued use.
Step 5: Protecting the Leather From Water
After applying waterproof material to your shoes, you should also take care of its leather exterior. First, wipe away any excess petroleum jelly using a clean cloth. If you do not wish to use protective sprays or gels, apply a leather conditioner that will protect against water and restore the shine on your shoe’s surface.

You can also mix one part linseed oil with three parts turpentine and one part vinegar, then heat until the mixture becomes sticky. Apply this paste carefully onto your shoes, then leave them alone overnight so that they can absorb all the nutrients. Do not wear your shoes for at least three days.
Step 6: Keep Your Shoes From Smelling
Keeping your golf shoes clean and odorless is also essential as this will allow you to maximize their lifespan. Take an old toothbrush or a new one with soft bristles and gently brush the dirt off the shoe surface, especially where they meet stalks of grass or rocks. If necessary, take a small container with warm water, then immerse your glove within it for about three minutes.
Ensure that water gets into all possible spaces as this will provide further cleaning effect. Remove excess dirt from the shoes’ exterior by rubbing them lightly against a damp cloth. Allow them to dry completely before wearing them again.
Step 7: Keep Shoes From Getting Dirty
In addition to removing dirt from the exterior of your shoes, you should also take care not to let it accumulate in the first place. For instance, try walking along a path instead of trudging through wet grass whenever possible. If there are no alternatives, purchase a shoe mat to protect your shoes and socks from getting dirty when walking inside establishments with dirty floors.
You could also opt for various online services that will clean your golf shoes on an as-needed basis. These services offer convenience, especially if you do not have time to clean them yourself or they are being cleaned together with other types of footwear within your household. In addition, these steps will help in how to keep golf shoes waterproof.
Tips and Warnings
- Storing your shoes near a heater or in the basement can lead to losing their waterproofing properties. If you store your shoes in an open bin, be sure to cover them with a cloth to keep out dust and other pollutants. This will ensure cleanliness and protection from environmental elements during storage.
- Keeping your golf shoes clean goes a long way in keeping them waterproof for longer. However, dirt and mud can get into nooks and crannies where water might otherwise seep inside your shoe and cause damage over time. If you don’t like cleaning with water, an alternative is using bug spray on the outside of the shoe; however, this is not recommended for use with suede.
- Suede shoes are remarkable for their water resistance, but they should never be sprayed directly with waterproofing spray or left out to dry at all. Suede is porous, and the original color of the shoe will appear through any coatings you put on it. If you do choose to use a protector on your suede golf shoes, be sure that you test it in an inconspicuous spot first before applying it over the whole shoe.
- Avoid putting your shoes near highly abrasive surfaces such as gravel driveways or asphalt parking lots where stones could scratch them up. This hurts the appearance of your shoe and its ability to repel water if damaged by scratches or nicks. Keeping your shoes in a clean, dry area will also help them last longer.
- If Your Shoes Get Wet In The Rain, Be Sure To Remove Any Debris Before Putting Them Away.

- Don’t spray a pair of shoes with a waterproof protector that hasn’t been approved for the material it’s being applied to. This could cause irreversible damage and reduce both the appearance and functionality of your shoe.
- Inspect your shoes daily for damage, loose stitching, or any other signs of problems. If you find anything, take them to a professional cobbler as soon as possible so that the problem can be fixed before it worsens.
- Don’t let children wear wet golf shoes. This can lead to blisters or pain in the feet, which will hamper their ability to play. If your kids are playing in soggy shoes, do a favor and take them home to change before it’s too late! If you have any concerns about your child’s feet, contact their doctor before taking them out in shoes that are wet or dirty.
- Do your best to avoid walking through tall grasses when wearing golf shoes. If the area is incredibly overgrown with wild plants, it may be best to put on a pair of sneakers for this part of the trip.
- Be wary of cheap waterproofing sprays; many contain harmful chemicals which could damage your shoe and make it less functional as an item of clothing.
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We hope you have learned how to keep golf shoes waterproof. The best way to keep your golf shoes waterproof is by investing in a shoe bag. Then, when you are done wearing them, but the wet shoes inside the plastic bag and make sure they are zipped up before storing them for next time.
This will not only protect your expensive investment but also extend their lifespan! Remember to regularly clean them with a damp cloth and be sure they are scorched before storing them!