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How to Make Boots Not Smell

Are you tired of your boots smelling like sweat and bacteria? Don’t worry. There are some easy solutions to get rid of that stench. Boots are necessary for any winter outfit, but they can often be smelly. If you want to make your boots not smell, you need to take some precautions.

How to Make Boots Not Smell

There are few things as frustrating as putting on a pair of boots you love only to have them start emitting an unpleasant smell. While it’s impossible to make them never smell at all, there are a few things you can do to help minimize the amount of odor they produce. In this post, we will share tips on how to make boots not smell. Keep reading!   

What Makes Boots Smell? 

Sweat and bacteria are the main culprits for smelly boots. When your feet sweat, the moisture can get trapped in your boots, creating a breeding ground for odor-causing bacteria.

Moreover, if your boots are made of materials like leather or synthetic leather, they can also trap odor. Because these materials are not as breathable as natural fabrics like cotton, they can hold onto odors for longer periods of time.

Overall, it’s just inevitable that your boots will start to smell if you wear them often. But there are steps you can take to prevent and eliminate odors.

10 Easy Steps on How to Make Boots Not Smell

Step 1: Wear Socks

Wearing socks can help to absorb sweat and prevent it from getting trapped in your boots. It also creates a barrier between your feet and the inside of the boots, reducing the number of bacteria that can breed. Make sure to wear clean, dry socks every time you wear your boots.

Wearing Socks Can Help to Absorb Sweat

Step 2: Wipe Your Feet 

Before putting on your boots, take a moment to wipe off any excess sweat from your feet. This will help to minimize any odor-causing bacteria. Be careful not to use too much moisture, though, as this can also contribute to odor.

Step 3: Use Odor-Eliminating Spray 

Spray the inside of your boots with an odor-eliminating spray, such as Febreze or ENJO fabric freshener, before and after wearing them. This can help to reduce odors and keep your boots smelling fresh. Because these sprays can dry, apply them while your boots are not in use.

Step 4: Stuff Your Boots with Newspaper or Baking Soda 

Stuffing your boots with newspaper or sprinkling baking soda inside them can also help to eliminate odors and absorb moisture. Make sure to leave the newspaper or baking soda in overnight and shake it out before wearing the boots again. Don’t forget to repeat this step regularly.

Step 5: Air Out Your Boots 

After wearing your boots, make sure to leave them out in a well-ventilated area to air out. This will help to reduce any trapped moisture and odors. Because the materials used in boots can be prone to cracking, avoid leaving them in direct sunlight or near a heat source.

Step 6: Clean Your Boots Regularly

Regularly clean the outside of your boots with a damp cloth or leather cleaner. This will remove any dirt or bacteria that can contribute to odor. Moreover, regularly cleaning your boots will help to maintain their appearance and prolong their lifespan.

Regularly Clean the Outside of Your Boots

Step 7: Store Your Boots Properly 

Make sure to store your boots in a dry, ventilated area away from other smelly items like shoes or dirty clothing. Avoid storing them in plastic bags as this can trap odors and moisture. Because leather can also attract insects, consider using cedar wood or lavender sachets in your storage area to repel them.

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Step 8: Use Insoles 

Using insoles can also help to absorb sweat and prevent odors. Look for insoles made with odor-fighting materials, such as activated charcoal or copper. This will also provide added cushioning and support for your feet.

Step 9: Rotate Your Boots 

Rotating between different pairs of boots can also help to prevent odors from building up in one pair. This gives each pair time to air out and reduces the amount of sweat and bacteria that builds up in them. Make sure to clean and store your boots properly in between wearings.

Step 10: Replace Your Boots 

If all else fails, it may be time to replace your boots. Over time, the materials used in the boots can break down and trap more odors, making them harder to clean and deodorize. Investing in a new pair of boots can save you from dealing with smelly ones in the future.

Following these steps can help to keep your boots smelling fresh, even after repeated wear.

5 Additional Tips and Tricks

Sprinkle Baking Soda
  1. Sprinkle baking soda or foot powder inside your boots before wearing them. This can help absorb moisture and odor-causing bacteria.
  2. Place a pouch filled with dried herbs or coffee grounds inside your boots overnight to absorb odors naturally.
  3. Use a shoe deodorizer spray on the inside of your boots to eliminate odors.
  4. Clean your socks regularly and make sure they are completely dry before wearing them with your boots.
  5. Store your boots in a cool, dry place to prevent the growth of bacteria and mold.

These tips can be used in conjunction with the steps above to keep your boots smelling fresh and clean. Happy sniffing!

5 Precautions You Can Take

1. Avoid Daily Use: Overwearing boots can trap sweat and bacteria, leading to odors. Rotate between different pairs of shoes to give them time to air out.

2. Avoid Moisture: Make sure to keep your boots dry and store them in a well-ventilated area to prevent moisture buildup and odors.

3. Proper Cleaning: Regularly clean the outside of your boots with a damp cloth or leather cleaner to remove dirt and bacteria.

4. Don’t Overstuff: Stuffing your boots with newspaper or shoe inserts can maintain their shape and prevent odors, but don’t overdo it. Keep them in a cool, dry area to prevent mold and bacteria growth.

5. Change Insoles: Using insoles made with odor-fighting materials can help absorb sweat and prevent odors. Make sure to change them regularly and clean them according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Taking these precautions can help ensure your boots stay smelling fresh for longer.

Remember, replacing your boots over time may be necessary as the materials used in them can break down and trap odors. Investing in a new pair can save you from dealing with smelly ones in the future. Happy smelling!

Does Freezing Your Shoes Get Rid of the Smell?

Although freezing your shoes may temporarily mask odors, it will not eliminate the root cause of the smell. Regular cleaning and proper storage can prevent the buildup of bacteria and sweat that leads to odors.

Regular Cleaning and Proper Storage

Additionally, using insoles made with odor-fighting materials can help absorb sweat and prevent odors in the first place. In some cases, replacing your shoes may also be necessary as the materials used in them can break down and trap odors over time. Taking these steps can prevent and eliminate odors, rather than just temporarily masking them with freezing.

Do Teabags Remove Shoe Odor?

Many people have tried putting teabags inside their smelly boots overnight to combat odors, but does it actually work? The answer is not really.

While the tea leaves may absorb some moisture that can contribute to odor, they do not eliminate the bacteria causing the smell in the first place.

Overall, using teabags is not a reliable solution for removing shoe odor.

Can Essential Oils Remove Shoe Odor?

Although essential oils may have some odor-eliminating properties, they are not a substitute for properly cleaning and maintaining your boots.

Firstly, clean the inside of your boots with a mixture of warm water and soap to remove any dirt or debris. You can also use baking soda to help deodorize the inside of the boots before allowing them to dry fully.

Additionally, stuff newspaper or fabric softener sheets inside your boots to absorb excess moisture and odors.

If you want to try using essential oils, choose a strong scent, such as tea tree or peppermint oil, and mix a few drops with water in a spray bottle. Spray the mixture onto your boots’ insides, but remember that this method may only provide temporary odor protection.

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Now that you have learned some steps to take to make your boots not smell, it is important to remember that regular cleaning and proper storage can prevent odors from occurring in the first place.

If you want to make your boots last longer and not smell, then you need to take care of them. You can do this by regularly cleaning them with soap and water, using boot trees or inserts, and storing them in a cool, dry place. With proper care, your boots will stay smelling fresh all season long!

If you want to keep your boots smelling fresh, you’ll need to take some extra steps. Try these tips and tricks and see how to make boots not smell!