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How to Tape Bottom of Shoes to Return Them

Have you ever bought a pair of shoes, worn them for a few days, and then realized they just weren’t quite right? Maybe they didn’t fit quite as well as you’d hoped, or maybe they weren’t as comfortable as you thought they would be. Whatever the reason, you’ve decided you need to return them.

How to Tape Bottom of Shoes to Return Them

But there’s one problem the bottom of your shoes is now covered in scuff marks. What can you do? The solution is simple, just tape up the bottom of your shoes before returning them. Here’s how to tape bottom of shoes to return them.

Can You Tape the Bottom of The Shoes to Return Them?

It’s happened to the best of us: you’re out shopping, you find the perfect pair of shoes, you try them on, and they fit like a glove. But when you get to the checkout counter, you realize that they’re just out of your budget.

So, you reluctantly put them back on the shelf and go home empty-handed. But what if there was a way to have your cake and eat it too? That’s right; we’re talking about taping the bottom of your shoes and returning them. It may sound crazy, but it just might work.

The key to making this return strategy work is to be strategic about where you place the tape. You’ll want to avoid any areas that will be visible when you’re wearing the shoes, such as the sides or tops of the soles. Instead, focus on taping the bottom of the soles, where it will be hidden from view.

Once you’ve applied the tape, simply put the shoes back in their box and return them to the store. With any luck, the store won’t notice the difference, and you’ll be able to walk away with your new shoes – and your money!

Of course, this method isn’t foolproof, and there’s always a risk that you’ll get caught. If that happens, don’t panic – simply explain that you changed your mind about the shoes and didn’t want to wear them outside before returning them. In most cases, stores are happy to accept returns as long as the shoes are in good condition.

So, while taping the bottom of your shoes may not be an exact science, it’s definitely worth a try if you’re looking to score some new footwear on a budget.

Why Should You Tape the Bottom of The Shoes to Return Them?

Many people will have at least a few pairs of shoes lying around that they don’t wear anymore. Usually, they’ll grow out of them, or they’ll just go out of style. On the other hand, maybe they were never comfortable in the first place. Whatever the reason, those shoes are just taking up space in your closet. You could get rid of them by giving them away or throwing them away.

Or, you could return them! Many stores have a no-questions-asked policy regarding returns, as long as you have the receipt and the shoes are in good condition. But what if you don’t have the receipt? And what if the shoes are pretty scuffed up? That’s where taping the bottom of the shoes comes in!

The Tape Will Cover Up Any Scuff Marks

By taping the bottom of the shoes, you’re effectively resetting them to their brand-new condition. In addition, the tape will cover up any scuff marks or dirt, making it look like you’ve never even worn them before. So next time you’re thinking about getting rid of some old shoes, think about returning them instead – and don’t forget to tape the bottom!

6 Steps to Follow on How to Tape Bottom of Shoes to Return Them

Step One: Cut Pieces of Tape

Start by cutting a few pieces of tape, each about 8-10 inches long. You’ll want to have enough tape to cover the entire bottom of each shoe, but you don’t want the pieces to be so long that they’re difficult to work with.

Step Two: Apply the Tape

Next, take one piece of tape and apply it to the bottom of one shoe, ensuring that the sticky side is facing down. Start at the toe and smooth the tape all the way back to the heel.

Repeat with the other shoe. You may need to use more than one piece of tape on each shoe, depending on their size. Just make sure that the entire bottom surface is covered.

Step Three: Trim Excess Tape

Once both shoes are taped up, go back and trim away any excess tape that’s hanging off the edges. Again, you want there to be a clean line all the way around, so take your time and trim slowly and carefully.

Trim Away Any Excess Tape

Step Four: Apply Label

Now it’s time to apply the return label. Again, you can either use a pre-printed label or hand-write your information on a piece of paper and tape it to the shoe. Just make sure that the address and your contact information are clearly visible.

Step Five: Pack Up Shoes

Once the label is in place, you’re ready to pack up the shoes. Again, you can use a box or padded envelope, whichever you prefer. Just ensure that the shoes are well-protected, so they don’t get damaged in transit.

Step Six: Ship Them Off

Now all that’s left to do is ship the shoes back to the retailer. Most stores have a specific return address you’ll need to use, so check before you send them off. And that’s it! Just follow these simple steps, and you’ll have your return taken care of in no time.

That’s it! You’ve now learned how to tape bottom of shoes to return them. Remember to remove the tape before wearing them again; otherwise, you’ll end up with even more scuff marks!

What Kind of Tape Should You Use When You Return Them?

When you are returning something that you have taped up, the type of tape that you use is important. You want to use tape that will not damage the item that you are returning, but you also want to use tape that will hold the item securely.

Generally, it is best to use clear packing tape when you are returning items. This type of tape will not damage most surfaces and will hold the item securely. However, if you are returning an item with a delicate surface, such as a piece of glass, you may want to use Scotch tape instead.

This type of tape is less likely to damage delicate surfaces, but it may not hold the item as securely. Ultimately, the best type of tape to use when returning an item is the type of tape that will work best for the particular item that you are returning.

 Tape is Less Likely to Damage Delicate Surfaces

How to Avoid Getting Your Shoes Taped Wrong When You Return Them?

You’ve just bought a new pair of shoes, and you’re really excited to wear them. But when you get them home, you realize that the left shoe is taped to the right shoe.

Now you have to go back to the store and return them. But how can you avoid getting your shoes taped wrong when you return them? Here are a few tips

  1. Be sure to check the shoes before you leave the store. Make sure that they are not taped to each other
  2. If possible, carry the shoes in a bag so that they are not exposed to potential damage.
  3. When you return the shoes, explain the problem to the store staff. Then, they should be able to correct the problem quickly and efficiently.

Following these simple tips, you can avoid getting your shoes taped wrong when you return them. And you can enjoy your new purchase without any hassle.

What Are the Worst Times to Tape Your Shoes When You Return Them?

One of the worst times to tape your shoes when you return them is when they are soaking wet. If the shoes are soaked with water, the adhesive on the tape will not stick well, and the tape will come loose quickly. It is also difficult to get a tight seal on wet shoes.

Another bad time to tape your shoes is when they are extremely dirty. The dirt will make it difficult for the adhesive to adhere to the shoes, and the tape may not stick at all. If you must tape dirty shoes, make sure to clean them thoroughly first.

Tape Your Shoes is When They Are Extremely Dirty

Finally, avoid taping your shoes in hot weather. The heat will make the adhesive soft and pliable, making it more likely to come loose. If you must tape your shoes in warm weather, wait until the evening when the temperature has cooled down.


If you want to return a pair of shoes and don’t have the original box, taping the bottom is an easy way to ensure they arrive back at the store in good condition. All you need is clear packing tape and a few minutes of your time. Then, simply place a strip of tape across the bottom of each shoe, being sure to smooth out any bubbles or wrinkles.

This will help keep the shoes from being scuffed or damaged during transit. So next time you need to return a pair of shoes, don’t let the lack of a box stop you—just grab some tape and get taping! Thanks for reading our post about how to tape bottom of shoes to return them.