Shoes are one of the essential parts of your entire outfit whether you want to be fashionable or not. There is a saying that people will judge you by the type of shoes you are wearing. That is why most fashionable people will focus on modeling the best shoes whenever they go out. But can you imagine a scenario when the shoes you are wearing, which look absolutely fine, start to make a squeaking sound! It sometimes happens with Sperry’s, and you will be left with the thought of why do my Sperrys squeak.
If you love to go into the water and love riding boats and other stuff, you may want to own Sperry’s as your essential shoes. They are the brand that always pops up whenever it comes to boat shoes. But as much as people love shoes, there are lots of complaints about ”why do my sperrys squeak”! You are not alone in this, and that is why we will have a discussion on the matter.
Reason: Why Do My Sperrys Squeak
The reason why do my sperrys squeak could be quite a few ones. The most common cause is going to be due to water. Sperrys are boat shoes, which means you are mostly going to wear them around water. There is a chance that water may get into them.

Although you will be conscious about getting the water out of the shoes and keeping them dry, sometimes water gets stuck somewhere inside the shoe and start to make the weird sound of squeaking. The water could be trapped inside the shoelaces, insoles, or somewhere around the corner.
Besides water, sometimes air bubble forms inside the shoes. When you wear the shoes, it could become very congested inside the shoes. So, whenever air can get inside, it will go. Although they suppose to go out when you take the shoes off but just like water, they can get stuck and create an air bubble inside the shoes. These air bubbles can contribute to making the squeaking sound.
How to Make the Sperry’s Squeaking Stop?
Now that your Sperry’s have started to squeak, you cannot help but stop wearing them to save your face. But that does not mean you will have to throw the shoes away. Instead, you can work them out.
If you want to get the water or air bubble out of the shoes, you need to take out the insoles of the shoes and keep them in an airy place. Put a lot of talcum or baby powder inside the shoes and keep it like this for the whole night. In the morning, dust away from the remaining powder. That should help the shoes to stop squeaking.

If you cannot remove the insoles, you can just use the powder method without removing them.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why Do My Shoes Make a Noise When I Walk?
Your shoes may make a noise when you walk because they are not properly adjusted.
When your shoe is too tight, it can cause the insole to dig into the top of your foot, which will cause a squeaking sound. This is also true for other uncomfortable types of shoes like sandals and flip-flops.
Can I Return Squeaky Shoes?
Yes, you can return squeaky shoes. However, certain guidelines need to be followed for the company to process your return.
First, ensure that the product is unused and still has its original tags attached. Secondly, make sure that the shoe is returned within 30 days of purchase or receipt of shipment confirmation. Lastly, when returning a product in person at a store, take pictures with the original packaging so they can provide documentation on your return and how it was handled.
Why Do My Shoes Sound Like Suction Cups?
A few things can cause your shoes to sound like suction cups. The most common culprits include the following:
- A dirty sole- If you’ve been wearing your shoes for a long time, and they haven’t been cleaned in a while, then there is a good chance that dirt has accumulated on the bottom of the shoe and has gotten into the lining of the shoe. This will often cause suction-like sounds when you walk.
- Loose shoelaces- If your shoelaces are loose, then they may not hold your shoe together well enough to prevent it from being sucked into something as you walk across it (for example, carpet).
What Is a Shoe Tongue?
A shoe tongue is a narrow strip of leather sewn onto the bottom of a shoe. It is typically found on athletic shoes and some dress shoes.
The function of the shoe tongue is to provide a softer surface for the foot, especially when walking or running. The tongues also help keep out debris from underfoot.
Final Thoughts
That was all for why do my sperrys squeak. We hope the information we have provided and the suggestion we gave will help you solve your problem and you can wear your Sperry’s shoes without the squeaking sound.
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