We know that you have looked at this question from every angle, but we’re here to give you another perspective. “Do shoes shrink in the dryer?” is a common question and it’s one of those annoying ones where there isn’t an answer for everyone.Different shoe materials behave differently when they are subjected to heat, so what most people report is that shoes shrink in the dryer if they are made from a cotton canvas. Other shoe materials might not be affected by heat, like leather or vinyl – so it’s always worth checking with your manufacturer to see what their recommendation for drying them would be before you commit to throwing any of these types into the machine!

The best advice we can give about whether your shoes will shrink when put in a hot environment? Always measure them first so you know how much room each pair has on either side and then decide what risks (if any) you’re willing to take. Our preference is typically to air-dry our footwear but there are some cases where this just doesn’t make sense because the weather isn’t cooperating or space won
Avoid Using Dryer to Shrink Your Shoes for These Cases
- You have shoes that are already a little too small and you want to shrink them by one size.
- Your shoe is new and still has the manufacturer’s plastic on it; this can cause permanent damage if put in a dryer.
- The outsoles of your footwear are made with natural materials like leather, suede or nubuck; these types of materials might not be affected by heat – so it’s always worth checking with your manufacturer to see what their recommendation for drying them would be before you commit to throwing any of these types into the machine!
- If your only means for air circulation is through vents at either end (as opposed to all around), a dryer may overheat your feet more than they would be otherwise.
For these cases, you should not put your shoes in the dryer!
It’s possible that this may cause permanent damage to them and shrink them by one size or more! The outsoles of footwear made with natural materials can vary; it is always worth checking with your manufacturer before throwing any leather shoes into a machine because some manufacturers might recommend against it for fear of damaging their product.If there are only vents at either end (as opposed to all around), please take care if considering putting these types of products into a dryer – due to over-heating from air circulation patterns within the machine itself. It is best to let them air out after being worn so that sweat has time to evaporate.
Dryer Mechanism To Shrink the Shoes
Dryers use heat to shrink and dry your clothes. This is a really hot temperature for any type of shoe, which will cause irreversible damage! The outsoles of footwear made with natural materials can vary; it is always worth checking with your manufacturer before throwing any leather shoes into a machine because some manufacturers might recommend against it for fear of damaging their product. If there are only vents at either end (as opposed to all around), please take care if considering putting these types of products into a dryer – due to over-heating from air circulation patterns within the machine itself. It is best to let them air out after being worn so that sweat has time to evaporate.
Take Care With These Types Of Shoes:
- Shoes made of natural materials (leather, suede)
- Soft-soled shoes with vents at either end.
How to Use Dryer to Shrink the Shoes
- Place a tennis ball in the shoe. This will fill up space and keep it from getting too stretched out of shape.
- Remove carefully after the cycle is complete; check inside soles before wearing them! If they are starting to show signs of shrinking (i.e., they look unnaturally tight), then return them to the dryer again until the desired fit length is achieved – ideally no more than one hour per session.)
It’s possible that this may cause permanent damage to them and shrink them by a significant amount.
Precautions to Use Dryer to Shrink Your Shoes
- Remove your shoes from the dryer before they are fully dried to avoid shrinking.
- Avoid fabric and leather materials, as these can cause issues with shrinkage after drying in a high heat environment.
- Use low heat if available for at least 20 minutes to allow time for them to cool down and return back to original size; use air-only mode on machines without additional settings if not available.
- If you have any questions about whether or not this is something that will work well for you – consult an expert! There’s no need for costly mistakes when it comes to clothing items like shoes.
Is It Safe to Use Dryer To Shrink The Shoes?
It’s possible that this may cause permanent damage to them and shrink them by a significant amount. Therefore, it is not recommended unless you are trying to decrease the size of your shoe for some reason (e.g., they have stretched out from wearing). In all other circumstances, we recommend avoiding doing so because it can lead to over-shrinking which will ruin any chances of expanding their length again in the future without damaging them permanently or causing potential safety hazards when walking around with shoes that do not fit properly.
- Put your shoes into the dryer on “air only” settings, if you have them. Or use low heat if available for at least 20 minutes to avoid shrinkage problems with fabric or leather materials.
You should read this article to shrink your leather shoes using vinegar.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is It Ok to Put Shoes in the Dryer?
It is not recommended to put shoes in the dryer because of the potential for damage to your clothes. The heat and friction from the dryer can cause any color shoe, regardless of its material, to turn black.
Can You Unshrink Shoes?
Unshrinking shoes is possible, but it is a tough task. There are some methods to shrink the size of your shoes without having to get them resized.
The first method is by adding boiling water and sugar to the shoe. When this mixture cools down, you can place it on the bottom of your shoe.
Another way is by placing the shoe inside a bag with a wet towel or cloth for about 10 minutes and then putting it back on your feet.
Does Washing Shoes Make Them Smaller?
Washing your shoes will not make them smaller. It is an old wives’ tale that has been around for centuries and was probably started because people did not know how to clean their shoes properly.
There are many different ways to clean your shoes, such as:
- Use a mild soap solution with warm water and scrub the dirt off of the shoe.
- Soak your shoe in a solution of bleach and water overnight, then wash it off in the morning.
- Use a mixture of one part white vinegar to three parts water to disinfect and deodorize your shoes.
Does Hot Water Shrink Crocs?
Hot water does not shrink Crocs. The fabric is waterproof, and the shoes are made to be a little bigger than other footwear to accommodate swelling of the feet caused by high temperatures, so there is no need for hot water to shrink them.
Dryers are hot and can cause irreversible damage to your favorite footwear! Try letting them air out after they’ve been worn so that sweat has time to evaporate before getting the lint brush or anything else you might have around the house ready for it’s next trip in the dryer. If this is not possible for you, take care when putting these types into a machine – read what your manufacturer recommends on their product page beforehand. Keep an eye out for soft sole shoes with only one set of vents too – as these could overheat during a cycle due to lack of air circulation within