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How to Do the Anti Gravity Lean with Special Shoes

Have you ever seen someone perform a stunt on the sidewalk that looks like they’re walking up an invisible wall? Chances are, you just witnessed the amazing anti-gravity lean! 

How to Do the Anti Gravity Lean with Special Shoes

This fun and tricky move take practice to master, but with the right technique and special shoes, anyone can learn how to do it. In this blog post, we will go over the basic principles of how to do the anti gravity lean with special shoes so that you can give your friends a show stopping performance in no time!

What Is the Secret to the Anti-Gravity Lean?

The secret behind the anti-gravity lean is simple. Special shoes with a flat sole, such as Vans or Chuck Taylors, create friction between the ground and your feet, allowing you to move back against an invisible wall. The trick is finding the right balance so that when you lean backward, your body weight won’t cause you to fall down. However, once you find the sweet spot, you can walk up and down walls like a pro!

9 Methods How to Do the Anti-Gravity Lean with Special Shoes

1. Find a Pair of Shoes that Have Good Ankle Support:

Look for shoes with strong soles and ankle support so that you can keep your balance while leaning back. If you’re not sure, try a few different pairs on and move around to see which ones feel the most supportive. For extra support, look for shoes with ankle straps or laces that you can adjust to fit your feet snugly.

2. Place Yourself Against a Solid Wall:

It’s important to find the right wall to lean against, as it will help you maintain your balance.  When you first stand up against the wall, make sure your thighs are touching the wall and that your feet are shoulder-width apart. Gradually move your feet away from the wall, and then move your arms up so that they are in line with your shoulders.

3. Take a Few Steps Back:

Move away from the wall until you are three or four steps away from it. This is a tricky move, so take your time. Focus on a spot at the top of the wall and slowly move your feet away from it. Keep shifting your body weight until you feel comfortable with the distance. You may have to adjust your position several times before you find the right spot.

Keep Shifting Your Body Weight

4. Lean Slowly:

Start by shifting your weight onto one foot and slowly begin to lean backward until you feel like you’re about to tip over. Make sure not to lean too far or too quickly; otherwise, you may fall off-balance. If needed, have a partner hold on to your hips or waist to provide extra support. Once you feel comfortable leaning back, slowly start to lower your body down to the floor while maintaining your balance and form. Once you reach the ground, take a few breaths and relax.

5. Keep Your Feet Firmly on the Ground:

You want to make sure your feet are firmly planted on the ground so that you can keep your balance while leaning back. Try to take deep breaths in and out. This will help to keep your body grounded. This is especially important if you’re leaning back on a seat or chair that is not very stable. However, if you find yourself feeling uncomfortable or unsafe at any point, remove your feet from the ground and move to a more secure position.

6. Straighten Your Arms:

Keeping your arms straight will help you maintain balance and stability while doing the anti-gravity lean.  Your arms should be slightly bent but not so much that you’re no longer leaning against the wall. You can also use your arms to help you move into the anti-gravity lean and back out of it. If you’re having trouble, try reaching your arms out wide to help keep your balance. You can also press into the wall with your hands for additional support.

7. Lean Back Further as Needed:

Once you feel comfortable with how far back you’re leaning, start to move further away from the wall until you reach a point where your body weight is balanced against gravity. This may take some practice!

8. Move Downward Slowly:

Gently lower yourself downward by shifting your weight onto one foot and slowly moving toward the ground without losing your balance. If you need additional support, use the wall or chair behind you to help. Move with control and focus on your breathing while taking frequent breaks if needed. 

Once you reach the bottom, pause for a few seconds and then repeat. Slowly build up your strength so that each rep is performed smoothly with minimal risk of injury. By practicing good form and taking your time, you can make sure each rep is performed with the proper technique. With consistent practice, you can improve your strength and balance over time.

9. Push Yourself Upward:

Once you reach the ground, use your arms and legs to push yourself back up until you’re standing upright again.  Make sure to squeeze your core, glutes, and quads as you press upwards. If you need additional momentum to help you get back up, try bringing your arms overhead and giving yourself an extra push.

Use Your Arms and Legs to Push Yourself

With these ten steps, anyone should be able to learn how to do the anti-gravity lean with special shoes in no time! Have fun showing off this cool trick, and remember, practice makes perfect! Good luck!

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Things to Consider When Doing the Anti-Gravity Lean with Special Shoes

1. Get the Right Shoes:

Find a pair of anti-gravity shoes that are specifically designed for performing this exercise and make sure they fit properly. Make sure the shoes have strong cushioning to protect your feet, ankles, and knees from impact.

2. Safety First:

Before you start doing this exercise, make sure that you are in a safe environment with no obstacles or furniture that might get in your way during the lean. Make sure there is enough space for you to move without hitting anything so that you don’t injure yourself while performing the anti-gravity lean.

3. Position Your Feet Properly:

Position your feet correctly when doing the anti-gravity lean so that they are parallel to one another and slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. This will help ensure maximum stability as well as keep you balanced throughout the entire movement.

4. Keep Your Core Engaged:

Engage your core to maintain a neutral spine throughout the entire exercise and keep your shoulders back and down. This will help you stay steady and balanced while performing the anti-gravity lean.

5. Start Slow:

Start with a small lean forward, making sure that your feet remain planted firmly on the ground, and then slowly increase the amount of weight you are leaning onto each foot until you reach maximum depth.  It’s important not to rush this process as it can cause injury if done incorrectly.

6. Maintain Control:

Make sure to control both sides of your body throughout the entire movement by using consistent pressure on both feet when leaning away from the ground. This will help you get an even distribution of weight as well as keep your body balanced throughout the entire exercise.

Make Sure to Control Both Sides of Your Body


It is really quite simple to do the anti-gravity lean once you have the proper shoes. You just need to be sure that you are comfortable with the height and that you practice before trying it in public. With a little bit of effort, you can perfect this move.

Now that you know how to do the anti-gravity lean with special shoes be sure to get yourself a pair of Leaning Shoes so you can perfect your technique. With practice, you’ll be able to impress all your friends with this jaw-dropping move. Who knows, maybe you’ll even become a professional dance moves someday!