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How Long Do Climbing Shoes Last 

It’s a question that all climbers have asked at some point – how long do climbing shoes last? And it’s a valid question because the life of your shoes can affect your climbing performance. In this blog post, we’ll explore just how long climbing shoes last and what you can do to make them last longer. So, let’s dive in!

How Long Do Climbing Shoes Last 

Climbing shoes are an important investment for any climber. So, how long do they last? And how can you make them last as long as possible? Throughout this blog, we’ll answer those questions and more. We’ll also provide some tips on how to take care of your climbing shoes so that they stay in good condition for as long as possible. Read on to learn more!

How Long Do Climbing Shoes Last?

The answer varies greatly depending on several factors. Such as:

1. Quality of the Shoe

Higher-quality shoes, made with durable materials and construction, will naturally last longer than lower-quality ones. It is recommended to invest in a good pair of shoes as they will not only last longer but also provide better performance on the rock.

2. How Often Do You Climb

Frequent climbers may need to replace their shoes more often, as they are constantly being worn and stretched. So, someone who climbs once a week may have their shoes last for several years, while someone who climbs every day may need to replace them every six months to a year.

3. Frequency of Use

The frequency of using your shoe also plays an important factor. The last of climbing shoes also depends on how often it is used. A shoe that is only used once a week will last longer than one used multiple times per day. So it also depends on how much you are using it.

The Frequency of Using Your Shoe

4. How Well the Shoes Are Cared for

Properly caring for your climbing shoes, such as drying them out after use and avoiding harsh chemicals, can also extend their lifespan. So it is also an important factor. For that, you must have to take care of your shoes.

So after considering all mentioned factors, a good estimate is that climbing shoes may last anywhere from 6 months to 2 years, depending on the above factors. However, it is important to regularly inspect and replace your climbing shoes when they show signs of wear or no longer fit properly for safety reasons.

Some Essential Tips to Make Climbing Shoes Long Lasting

1. Clean Regularly

Cleaning climbing shoes regularly is very mandatory to make your shoes long-lasting. Dirt or sweat can decrease the durability of your shoes. So you must clean them regularly, especially the sole of your shoes. It will keep your shoes long-lasting.

2. Air Dry Them Before Storing

After climbing, make sure you air dry your shoes before storing them in the closet or shelf. It is better not to put them inside a stuffy bag or box before they are fully dried from sweat and moisture. If you do not dry them properly, it can cause odor and damage to the material of your shoes.

3. Replace the Soles

Worn soles will decrease the effectiveness of our climbing shoes because they cannot grip as well on rocks or walls. It is a good idea to replace the soles regularly, especially when they start showing signs of wear and tear. It will also help to extend the overall lifespan of your climbing shoes.

4. Choose Quality over Price

When buying new climbing shoes, it is important to consider the quality rather than just the price. Investing in a high-quality pair of climbing shoes may cost more initially, but it will pay off in the long run because they will last longer and perform better.

 Consider the Quality

5. Keep Them in Clean Place

Aside from regular cleaning, it is also important to keep your climbing shoes in a clean and dry place when not in use. This will prevent any mold or damage from occurring. So make sure to store your climbing shoes properly to make them last longer.

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Things You Should Not Do to Your Climbing Shoes if You Want Them to Last Long

1. Do Not Wear Them Outside of Climbing

Continuously wearing your climbing shoes outside of the gym or rock wall can cause wear and tear on the sole and upper materials. This can decrease their longevity. So make sure to only wear your climbing shoes when you are actually climbing.

2. Do Not Over Tighten Your Shoes:

Tightening your climbing shoes too much can damage the materials and cause them to stretch out prematurely. It is important to find the right balance of tightness for comfort and performance without causing harm to the shoe.

3. Do Not Use Them as Everyday Shoes

Wearing your climbing shoes as everyday shoes can cause undue stress on the materials and decrease their overall lifespan. It is best to have a separate pair of shoes for daily wear and save your climbing shoes for actual climbing use.

4. Do Not Leave Them in Direct Sunlight

Leaving your climbing shoes in direct sunlight can cause the materials to break down quicker and potentially damage the shape of the shoe. It is best to store them in a cool, dry area when not in use. Direct sunlight will also cause the colors to fade sooner.

5. Do Not Use Them on Slippery Surfaces

Using your climbing shoes on slippery surfaces, such as wet rock or slick gym walls, can cause damage to the sole materials and decrease their effectiveness for gripping onto climbing surfaces. Make sure to only use your climbing shoes for their intended purpose on appropriate surfaces.

Use Your Climbing Shoes for Their Intended Purpose

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In conclusion, the answer to “how long do climbing shoes last?” comes with the fact that shoes last as long as you want them to. With the right care, they can easily last a few years. However, if you are hard on your gear or don’t take care of them, they won’t last as long. Be sure to factor in how often you climb when deciding whether or not to buy a new pair of shoes.

Also, a pair of climbing shoes will last anywhere from several months to a year – this all depends on how often you climb, the type of shoe, and how you treat your shoes. If you are new to the sport of rock climbing, it is important to take care of your equipment so that it lasts for a longer time.

With proper treatment and storage, your climbing shoes can provide you with many enjoyable days (and even years) worth of Climbing!