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How to Clean Corduroy Shoes

If you’re like most people, you probably wear corduroy shoes at least some of the time. They’re a classic style that’s both stylish and comfortable. But if you don’t clean them regularly, they can look dirty and worn.

How to Clean Corduroy Shoes

In this blog post, we’ll show you how to clean corduroy shoes, so they look good as new. We’ll also give you some tips on how to prevent them from getting dirty in the first place. So read on if you want to keep your corduroy shoes looking their best!

Why do You Need to Clean Corduroy Shoes Regularly?

Corduroy shoes are a type of footwear that has been around for centuries. This type of shoe is made from corduroy, a cotton or wool fabric with a nap on one side. The nap can be raised or flat; the raised version is usually made from velvet. Corduroy shoes are usually very comfortable and durable, but they require special care to keep them looking their best.

One of the most important things to remember when caring for corduroy shoes is that they need to be cleaned regularly. Just like any other type of shoe, corduroy shoes can become stained and dirtied over time. If you don’t clean them regularly, the Dirt and grime can build up and eventually damage the fabric.

There are a few different ways to clean corduroy shoes. Depending on your preference, you can either hand wash them or machine washes them. If you choose to hand wash your corduroy shoes, you’ll need to use mild detergent and warm water. Then, gently scrub the shoes with a soft cloth or brush to remove any dirt or stains.

What Tools and Supplies You’ll Need

  • A soft-bristled brush (like a toothbrush)
  • A vacuum with a soft brush attachment
  • Stain remover (optional)
  • Shoe polish or leather conditioner (optional)

Step by Step Guide: How to Clean Corduroy Shoes

Step 1: Take off the Laces

 Remove the Laces

The first step to cleaning your corduroy shoes is to remove the laces. This will help prevent them from getting stained or damaged during cleaning. If your shoe has a tongue, be careful not to pull it too hard when removing the laces.

Step 2: Brush Off excess Dirt

Once the laces are removed, use a soft brush to remove any dirt or debris from the surface of the corduroy. Be sure to brush in the direction of the nap (the raised fibers on the fabric’s surface). If the corduroy is very dirty, you may need to vacuum it before brushing it. Also, make sure to brush the soles of the shoes to remove any dirt or gravel.

Step 3: Create a Solution of Warm Water and Mild Soap

Mix warm water and mild liquid soap in a small bowl or container. Avoid using hot water, as this can damage the corduroy. If you want to use a detergent, make sure it is mild and diluted. If possible, test the soap on a small, inconspicuous area of the pants to ensure it does not damage or discolor the fabric.

Step 4: Soak the Stain in the Solution

Soak a clean cloth or sponge in the soapy water to saturate the stain. Rub the cloth or sponge over the stain in a circular motion. Be sure to rub gently so as not to damage the corduroy. Make sure to saturate the entire stain, not just the surface.

Step 5: Rinse With Clean Water

Once the stain has been removed, rinse the area with clean water. Use a clean cloth or sponge to remove any soap residue. Be sure to rinse in the direction of the nap. If your Hey Dudes shoes are made of suede, use a waterproofing spray to protect them from future stains. Make sure to follow the instructions on the spray bottle.

Step 6: Clean the Inside of the Shoe

Use a clean cloth or sponge to remove any dirt, debris, or sweat inside the shoe. If necessary, you can use a mild soap and water solution to clean the inside of the shoe. Avoid getting the corduroy wet when cleaning the inside of the shoe. Make sure to remove any soap residue before continuing.

Step 7: Let Them Dry

After rinsing, let your shoe air dry. Please do not put them in the dryer, as this can damage the material. If your shoes are particularly wet, stuff them with newspaper to help speed up the drying process. Once they’re dry, you can wear your shoes confidently, knowing they won’t be slipping and sliding all over the place.

Do Not Put Them in the Dryer

Additional Tips and Advice for Cleaning Corduroy Shoes

  1. Use a little white vinegar on a clean cloth for tougher stains. Just be sure to test the vinegar on an inconspicuous area first to ensure it won’t damage the corduroy fabric.
  2. If your corduroy shoes look dull, you can revive them with a quick brushing. Use a soft-bristled brush to brush the nap in one direction lightly.
  3. To protect your corduroy shoes and keep them looking their best, apply a waterproofing spray before wearing them. This will help repel Dirt and stains and make future cleanings easier.
  4. When storing corduroy shoes, stuff them with newspaper to help keep their shape. This will also help prevent creases and wrinkles from forming.
  5. If your corduroy shoes get wet, let them air dry naturally. Avoid using a hair dryer or other direct heat source, as this can damage the fabric.
  6. If you need to iron corduroy shoes, do so on the lowest setting and place a cloth between the iron and the fabric. This will help protect the corduroy and prevent it from being damaged by heat.
  7. Never put corduroy shoes in the dryer, as this can ruin them. If your shoes are wet, let them air dry naturally.
  8. Always check the care label before cleaning corduroy shoes to ensure you use the correct method. This will help prevent damage to the fabric and keep your shoes looking their best.

Corduroy is a great shoe fabric because it’s durable and easy to care for. With a little time and effort, you can keep your corduroy shoes looking great for years to come.

Are Corduroy Shoes Hard To Clean?

Corduroy is a type of fabric that is made from cotton, wool, or synthetic fiber. The fabric has a nap or pile on the surface, which gives it a hairy appearance. Corduroy is often used to make clothing, such as pants, shirts, and jackets. It can also make other items, such as upholstery, bags, and shoes.

Made From Cotton, Wool, or Synthetic Fiber

Corduroy shoes are not difficult to clean but require a bit of care. The best way to clean corduroy shoes is to vacuum them with an upholstery attachment. This will remove any dirt and debris on the surface of the shoes.

If there are any stains on the corduroy, you can spot-clean them with a mild detergent. Be sure to test the detergent on an inconspicuous shoe area before applying it to the stain. Once the stain is gone, you can wipe the area with a damp cloth to remove any residue.

Does Corduroy Get Ruined by Water?

Corduroy is a type of cotton fabric with a distinctively textured surface. It’s made by woven threads that are set up in a wale, or ribbed, pattern. The size of the wale indicates the thickness of the corduroy fabric; wider wales are typically thicker and more rugged, while narrower wales are thinner and smoother.

Corduroy is known for being durable and easy to care for, but you may be wondering if it’s okay to get corduroy shoes wet. The answer is yes; corduroy can get wet without being ruined, but you should avoid getting the fabric too wet or allowing it to remain wet for too long.

If your corduroy shoes get wet, allow them to air dry naturally. Avoid using a hair dryer or direct heat source, as this can damage the fabric. Once the shoes are dry, you can brush them with a soft-bristled brush to restore the nap of the corduroy.

With proper care, your corduroy shoes will last for years to come. So enjoy the unique look and feel of this classic fabric without worry. Next time you step out in the rain or puddle, jump in them!

So Enjoy the Unique Look

Final Words

Now that you know how to clean corduroy shoes, you can keep them looking new for future seasons. Be sure to follow these steps carefully and avoid any harsh chemicals or abrasive materials that could damage the delicate fabric. With a little time and effort, you’ll have your corduroy shoes look new in no time!

There you have it, a foolproof guide to cleaning your beloved corduroy shoes. No longer will you feel embarrassed when people ask about the state of your footwear. With just a few supplies and following the steps above, you can have your corduroy shoes looking new in no time.

Try these methods out and see how easy it is to keep your corduroy shoes clean. Do you have any tips for cleaning other types of shoes? Let us know in the comments below!