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How to Get Rid of Mold Inside Shoes

Are you finding that your shoes have developed a case of mold?

Don’t worry. You are not alone. This can often happen in areas with high humidity or when shoes are not properly dried before being stored. Fortunately, you can take a few simple steps to rid your shoes of mold and them from returning.

How to Get Rid of Mold Inside Shoes

Mold can be a pesky problem, whether it’s growing on your bread or inside your shoes. While mold spores can survive in many environments, they thrive in warm and moist places. This means that if you don’t take care of the problem quickly, it can spread and return again and again.

This post will show you ten simple steps on how to get rid of mold inside shoes. Read on to find out more!

How Can Shoes Get Moldy?

Your shoes are likely to develop mold if they are exposed to moisture or humidity, such as getting wet in the rain or not properly drying before storing. Mold can also form on sweat and dirt that builds up inside your shoes over time.

Moreover, storing shoes in places like basements or garages, where there is a lack of air circulation, can also contribute to mold growth. Overall, it’s important to take steps to prevent mold growth in your shoes, such as ensuring they are properly dried before storing and not leaving them in damp environments.

Why is It Important to Remove Mold From Shoes?

Not only does mold in shoes look unsightly, but it can also lead to health issues and damage your footwear. Mold can cause respiratory problems such as allergies and asthma attacks and aggravate conditions like sinus infections.

In addition, mold can weaken the materials in your shoes, leading to premature wear and tear. And, if you’re storing your shoes in a closet or other enclosed space, the mold can spread to your clothing and other belongings.

So, removing mold from shoes as quickly as possible is important before it becomes a bigger issue.

10 Steps on How to Get Rid of Mold Inside Shoes

Step 1: Clean the Shoes

Use a Dry Brush

First, use a dry brush or cloth to remove any debris and loose mold from the inside of the shoes. Shake out any excess dirt or mold particles outside. Make sure to do this over a trash can or outside to avoid spreading mold spores.

Step 2: Make a Vinegar Solution

Take water and white vinegar in a spray bottle and mix them throughly, creating a solution for removing the mold. White vinegar is a natural cleaner that also has antimicrobial properties, making it effective at killing mold. You can also add a few drops of tree oil to the solution for added mold-fighting power.

Step 3: Spray and Scrub

Spray the vinegar solution onto the inside of the shoes, making sure to cover all affected areas. Let it sit for about 10 minutes before scrubbing it with a brush or cloth.

For tougher mold stains, leave the solution on for longer or use a toothbrush to scrub the affected areas.

Use a Toothbrush

Step 4: Rinse and Dry

After scrubbing, rinse the shoes with clean water and let them air dry completely in a well-ventilated area, away from direct sunlight. Make sure they are fully dry before storing to prevent mold from returning.

If the mold stains do not come out completely on the first try, repeat steps 2-4 until they are fully removed.

You may also want to use a specialized cleaner for tough mold stains.

Step 5: Let Shoes Air Out Regularly

To prevent mold from returning, make sure to regularly let your shoes air out after wearing them. This can be as simple as taking them off at the door and leaving them in an open area for a couple of hours before putting them away. It is important to do this before storing the shoes and every few weeks while they are being stored.

Step 6: Stuff Shoes With Paper

Stuffing Shoes With Paper

Stuffing shoes with paper or another absorbent material when not in use can also help prevent moisture buildup and the growth of mold. Be careful not to overstuff the shoes, as this can affect their shape. Because paper can also attract insects, make sure to change it frequently.

Step 7: Use a Dehumidifier

If you notice that your closet or storage area has high humidity, using a dehumidifier can help to lower the moisture levels and prevent mold growth. You can also use desiccants, such as silica gel packets, to absorb excess moisture in your shoe storage area. This can be especially helpful in damp environments like basements.

Step 8: Store Shoes In a Dry Place

Make sure to store your shoes in a dry area, away from damp environments such as basements or garages. You can also use a shoe organizer or storage containers to keep them contained and prevent mold spores from spreading onto other belongings. Additionally, avoid storing shoes in plastic bags, as these can trap moisture and lead to mold growth.

Step 9: Rotate Shoes

Rotating the shoes, you wear regularly can give them time to air out and prevent moisture and sweat buildup. This is important for both your shoes and for your own foot health. Because some materials, such as leather, can take longer to dry, try to alternate between different materials on different days.

Step 10: Replace Worn Out Shoes

If your shoes are worn out or do not fit properly, they may be more likely to retain moisture and attract mold. Consider replacing them with a new pair to prevent future mold growth. Make sure to properly clean and dry your shoes before donating or throwing them away.

Following these steps can help to effectively remove mold from the inside of your shoes and prevent it from returning in the future. However, if the mold problem persists, it may be a sign of larger moisture issues in your home that need to be addressed. In this case, consult a professional for proper mold remediation.

5 Additional Tips and Tricks

Use a Dryer Sheet
  1. Use a dryer sheet to absorb moisture and prevent mold in your shoes while they are stored.
  2. Sprinkle baking soda inside the shoes before wearing them to absorb sweat and moisture.
  3. Place shoe inserts or insoles inside to help absorb sweat and moisture.
  4. Place pouches of charcoal in your shoe storage area to absorb moisture and prevent mold growth.
  5. Consider using waterproof spray on new shoes to make them more resistant to mold.

This information is not intended as a substitute for professional advice or treatment. Always consult a qualified specialist for any issues related to mold in your home.

5 Preventive Measures You Can Take

1. Avoid Wearing Wet Shoes: Make sure to let your shoes dry completely before putting them on again.

2. Keep Shoes Ventilated: Store shoes in a well-ventilated area and stuff them with newspaper or drying inserts to absorb moisture.

3. Clean Regularly: Use a damp cloth to clean the inside of your shoes, especially to areas where sweat builds up.

4. Use Anti-fungal Spray: Spray the inside of your shoes with an anti-fungal solution to prevent mold growth.

5. Replace Old Shoes: Over time, the material in older shoes may break down and be more prone to mold growth. Consider purchasing new shoes as needed.

These preventive measures can help keep your shoes free of mold and prolong their lifespan. Remember to always thoroughly clean and dry your shoes before storing them, especially after wearing them in wet conditions.

What Are the Signs of Mold Growth in Shoes?

  • Musty Odor: One of the most common signs of mold is a musty smell coming from your shoes.
  • Discoloration or Spots: Mold often appears as black, white, or green spots on the inside of your shoes.
  • Persistent Dampness: If your shoes feel constantly damp, it may be a sign that mold is growing inside them.
  • Health Symptoms: Mold can lead to respiratory issues or allergic reactions, such as sneezing, coughing, and skin irritation.
  • Unusual Growth: If you notice unusual mold or fungus on the outside of your shoes, it may be a sign that there is also mold on the inside.

If you notice any of these signs in your shoes, take steps to clean and remove the mold as soon as possible. Wearing moldy shoes can negatively affect your health and the integrity of the shoe material.


Following these simple tips, you can get rid of mold in your shoes. First, you need to clean the shoes thoroughly with soap and water. Then, you need to dry them completely. Finally, you should place the shoes in a sunny spot for a few hours so that the mold will not be able to grow back. If you follow these steps, you can keep your shoe mold-free!

Now that you know the steps of how to get rid of mold inside shoes, you can prevent it from happening in the first place. By following these tips, your shoes will stay fresh and dry all season long.

Hopefully, this article has helped you successfully remove mold growth in your shoes and prevent it from returning. Happy shoe cleaning!