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Why Does My Cat Lay on My Shoes

My cat always lays on my shoes. It’s something they do all the time. Sometimes it’s frustrating because I can’t find my shoes when I need them, but other times it’s kind of cute. My cat is always by my side, so it makes sense that she would want to lay on top of my shoes. Maybe she likes the smell or the feel of them. Whatever the reason is, I’m glad my cat enjoys spending time with me in her strange way! This article will discuss why does my cat lay on my shoes.

Shoes are a symbol of protection in many cultures. Shoes used to be made from animal skin, and the wearing of them was a sign that you had power or money. This is why many businesses have shoe-removing policies when entering their establishments. Even though we aren’t aware of it, our shoes hold symbolic value, and our pets understand this symbolism.

Why Does My Cat Lay on My Shoes

A Detailed Guide on Why Does My Cat Lay on My Shoes

Reason 1: Cat Love Your Smell

As you know, cats have a sense of smell that is about 100 times greater than humans. That’s why your cat probably loves to be around you or even follow you all day long. However, you will notice that on those days when you take a shower and use your “special scented shampoo,” the cat won’t come near at all! This is because we can hardly smell it, but it smells like some delicious treat to them.

But on the other hand, everything we wear develops its particular smell after being worn for a while, thanks to our body chemistry and bacteria. Cats love this scent since they associate it with us as their loving masters whom they want to spend as much time as possible.

Even if you wear the same clothes every day, your cat will choose only one of them to lie on since each of our clothes has its unique smell. So if she decides to lie down on your favorite shirt or pants, it means that she wants to be with you!

Reason 2: Cat Marking Your Shoes as Their Territory

Some cats habit marking their territory on particular objects, especially shoes. The most plausible explanation is that they consider your shoes as something that belongs to them, and it’s the only way for them to mark their “ownership.”

When a cat rubs her cheek against you or other objects, she transfers the contents of the glands in her cheeks to these things. These special glands produce pheromones which demarcate this object or animal as belonging to them. This also explains why other animals such as dogs and cattle will roll around on stinky stuff since they think doing so will make them smell better!

If you don’t want your feline friend to lie on your shoes, the best thing to do is rub them with some orange or lemon peels. Since these citrus fruits smell nice to us but are rather unpleasant for cats, they will stay away from your shoes if you keep this up!

Cat Lying on the Floor

If you notice your cat lying on the floor, most likely, she’s just trying to make herself feel comfortable. If your feline friend is used to laying down for a few minutes a day, she will do this in a particular spot. However, if she doesn’t manage to get in this spot at least once a day, there is a chance that she might choose one of your shoes or another object in the house!

Reason 3: Cats Are Drawn to Accessible Random Objects

Even if you own a cat that doesn’t like to be picked up and cuddled, chances are she will still take pride in sleeping on your shoes since they’re just so accessible!

Cats tend to sleep at ground level rather than high places. On top of this, many cats love soft objects such as pillows and blankets, which makes your shoes the perfect spot for them. The shoe’s shape is also very suitable for cats to lay down on it entirely while curling their tails around the opening.

But if you want her to stop doing this, you might have to take other measures such as putting away your shoes or leaving them where only one room can be accessed at a time (so that other family members can still access their room). You can also buy some cat furniture to keep your kitty entertained all the time!

So these are some possible reasons why your cat might lay on your shoes. However, you have to remember that cats are unique and different from one another, so their habits will always be other too! Just know that there’s no need to get mad at them if they do this since it’s all because of their curiosity and how they want to bond with you.

Cat Might Lay on Your Shoes

But if the shoe-laying behavior becomes a problem (e.g., your cat is ruining your favorite shoes and sitting on stinky stuff), then maybe it’s time for you to buy her a pair of her special knickknacks. These are the reasons why does my cat lay on my shoes.

How Do Cats Choose Their Favorite Person?

Some cats, like most humans, prefer to sleep in bed with their owners. However, they can be incredibly affectionate and bond closely with their favorite people. Whether you want to believe it or not, your pet is very aware of who takes care of them the most and will naturally gravitate toward them.

Cats can be considered more loyal to their favorite people than dogs are. In a test with two identical bowls of food that were placed on either side of a door, with the bowl identified by a scent from an object worn by one of two volunteers who took care of the cat, the animal went to the person whose smell was in her dish every time!

It’s not entirely clear, but it probably has something to do with what is known as a “secure base effect,” which means that your cat is comforted by you being near.

When a mother cat is out looking for food in the wild, her kittens will stay behind in a safe place, perhaps in a cave or under rocks. Then, when the mother comes back, she moves about slowly and deliberately with her tail up to show that all is well so that her kittens feel comfortable coming out of hiding to greet her. If the mother cat were to run back and forth frantically, it would stress out her babies, who wouldn’t know whether they should follow or try to hide again.

Cats Choose Their Favorite Person

Similarly, when your kitty wants attention, she will approach you calmly instead of darting around in order not to send signals that might alarm you. The more relaxed you are when your pet rubs against your legs, the better it is for them because they can tell from your body language how much pressure to put on their hindquarters when they rub up against you.

They may also massage your ankles or legs because when they were kittens, their mom would do the same thing to get them to release her nipple when she wasn’t feeling well, and it’s possible that your cat learned that if she massaged you like this was then maybe she could get some milk out of you! (Just kidding.)

How Do You Know Your Cat Loves You?

Cats use a variety of ways to communicate. They will let you know when they need something or want attention through vocalization and rubbing against furniture, walls, and people’s legs. But most of the time, cats show their affection for their human family with physical signs such as jumping in your lap as you prepare to sit down or laying next to you as soon as you are on the television.

A cat’s behavior may be unpredictable in many ways, but when a cat seeks out a human’s company and physical touch, it shows love. A cat demonstrates its dominance in the home by claiming certain areas, like the main chair or the top of the couch. The space around these pieces of furniture becomes like an invisible territory line that other family members cannot cross without an invitation from the dominant “king” or “queen.”

Cats Use Ways to Communicate

Cats are intelligent creatures who understand more than we give them credit for. So when your pampered feline starts snuggling in your lap or (more likely) purring for attention on top of the covers, know that it shows genuine love.


We hope you have gone through the article on why does my cat lay on my shoes and you have learned about it. Cats are naturally curious creatures. They’re also very territorial, so if your shoes have a scent that they find appealing, you might see them rubbing up against it or laying on top of it to claim ownership. If the shoe in question is new and has never been worn by someone else, this may be an issue with allergies.

In which case, try wearing the shoes outside for about 15 minutes before bringing them inside where your cat can lay all over them! But if there’s no other explanation than curiosity, continue reading our guide below to learn more about why cats do what they do!