Non-removable insoles are a type of insole that can not be removed from the shoe. They have been made to provide extra cushioning for the foot and to offer support when walking on hard surfaces. Non-removable insoles are typically found inexpensive shoes, such as dress shoes or running shoes with a high arch. The downside is that these types of insoles are more difficult to clean – especially if they get wet! In this article, we will discuss how you can successfully how to clean non-removable insoles every time you wear them out so that they stay fresh and new for longer!

In order to clean your non-removable insoles, you will need the following items:
- A clean, dry towel
- Clean water and a bowl
- A toothbrush or scrubbing brush
- Some dish soap
- An old toothbrush with soft bristles
Is it better to use non-removable insoles?
It is better when you are not walking on hard surfaces. Non-removable insoles can provide more support for the foot and help with some common conditions such as flat feet, but they are not always the best option when it comes to comfort because there is no padding or arch support inside of them like in removable ones.
9 Tips on How to Clean Non-removable Insoles
- Using Handheld Steamer: A handheld steamer is generally used to clean clothes. You can buy a handheld steamer for about $30 that will make cleaning your non-removable insoles much easier and quicker.
- Lightly Scrubbing with Soap: Use an old toothbrush with soft bristles to lightly scrub the surface of the insole using some dish soap or liquid laundry detergent, rinse it off and let it dry before wearing them again.
- Using Baking Soda Paste: Mix one tablespoon of baking soda into two tablespoons of water to form a thick paste. Apply this onto your shoe’s insole where dirt has accumulated, wait 30 minutes then clean up any residue left by wiping down with warm water using a lint free towel or rag. Repeat as needed until you are satisfied the shoes have been
- Try a Tooth Brush: You can also try using an old toothbrush with soft bristles to scrub away any dirt and grit that may be on the inside of your shoe’s non-removable insole.
- Using Dish Soap: One way to keep shoes clean is by adding dish soap directly onto the insoles once or twice per week and then rubbing them off for about five minutes. The soap should help break down built up dirt after being walked around town all day long!
- Use Charcoal: Charcoal can be used to clean the insole of your shoe. It generally used to remove odor from shoes. You can use it by filling a sock with charcoal and tying it off at the top. Place in shoe for 12 hours or more to absorb smell.
- Dry out your shoes after: After drying off, make sure your first few steps are taken outside for good measure. This will help remove any dirt that might have remained on them while they were wet inside with water.
- Using Dryer Sheets: We use dryer sheet because it has the fragrance of fresh laundry. You can put a dryer sheet at the end of your shoe and let it do its work in smelling up your shoes for weeks! It absorbs sweat and bacteria.
- Clean after every outing: It is important not to forget that these non-removable insoles must be cleaned after every time they come out from inside the shoe so avoid this by using one of these methods above regularly!
How to Disinfect Inside of Shoes (Non-Removable Insoles)
Place Shoes in the Sun:
Sunlight is great option to disinfect the inside of your shoes. This will kill any bacteria that might be residing in the shoe and also it kills bad odor!
Steam Cleaning: You can use a reusable sanitizing bag to steam clean them without using too much water or chemicals, which would ruin the non-removable insoles.
Put Vinegar Inside of Your Shoe
Vinegar can kill bacteria and is a great odor remover. Put vinegar inside of your shoe. Then leave it for at least few hours, but the longer you let them soak, the better they will become clean. Don’t use any fabric because this can ruin the non-removable insoles. After that, rinse and dry with a towel or paper towels. After drying your shoes make sure to wash off all excess moisture so there are no allergies on these surfaces in case someone wears those shoes next time!

Cleaning With the Right Material:
You can clean non-removable insoles with various material like without water, vinegar or baking soda and you will save your money!
Stain Removers for Non-Removable Insoles:
To remove stain on non-removable insoles try using some stains removing techniques to make them look new again.
Washing Machine Method For Non Removable Insoles:
This method should not be used if they are made of leather because this process might destroy the shoes.
Fill a Spray Bottle With Disinfect:
A Disinfectant spray is needed to kill any harmful bacteria. Spraying a good quality disinfectant on the shoe surfaces then wiping them off with paper towel or a clean cloth. The removal process should not take more than twenty seconds, but you might need some time in between each step!
Use a Vacuum Cleaner Attachment:
This is a helpful tool to clean non-removable insoles and to remove dirt inside the shoes. The process won’t take more than five minutes and you can use a vacuum cleaner attachment – which is usually the brush head.
Cleaning with Soap:
if your shoes are made of rubber or canvas, then it would be good to clean them with soap. This is because they will not react badly to this process like leather materials.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can You Put Insoles in Washing Machine?
In some cases, you can put insoles in the washing machine. However, this will depend on your washing machine and how they are made. In general, there are three types of washing machines: top loaders, front loaders and mixed loaders.
Top loaders tend to have smaller door openings than front or mixed loaders so it is more difficult to fit an insole into them.
Front loaders typically have larger door openings which make it easier to fit an insole into them but top-load washers also usually have a lid that must be closed before the cycle begins.
Should I Wash My Shoes in Hot or Cold Water?
If you have sweaty shoes, you should wash them in cold water. If they are not soiled and if you are going to wear them again soon, then it is best to wash them in hot water.
In general, people recommend washing your shoes in cold water because it removes the built-up dirt on the shoe’s surface and helps remove bacteria that may be present on your feet or inside the shoe.
However, there are some instances where washing your shoes in hot water can be more beneficial for you. For example, if you plan on wearing these shoes with socks (or any other cloth product) and then walking around for a long period of time without changing your socks or taking off your shoes completely (to avoid staining), then it would be better to wash them in hot water first before wearing them with socks or other products.
Can You Hand Wash Orthotics?
Hand washing your orthotics is not advised as it can lead to irreversible damage.
Some of the benefits of hand washing your orthotics are:
- It helps prevent bacteria from building up in the material.
- It prevents mold and mildew growth, which can cause allergies and irritation.
- It prevents discoloration and deformation of the materials caused by soap residue or by other materials that you put on them such as hair spray or lotion.
Non-removable insoles are harder to clean than removable shoes because you have less access inside them. So how to clean non-removable insoles? We recommend using a vacuum cleaner attachment for cleaning purposes or soap if your shoe is made of rubber or canvas materials! You can follow other points as well.