The foot is obviously one of the integral parts of our body. It acts like the shock absorber that spreads our body weight so that we walk appropriately. But sometimes due to our long-hour office works and running sessions, this integral part can get disturbed.
As our entire body weight, along with the five long bones, can cause inflammation, pain, and irritation there. These five bones that have a connection from your toe’s phalanges to your tarsal bones are known as Metatarsal bones, and the pain in this bone is called Metatarsalgia. But how long does it take for metatarsalgia to go away?
Let’s find out! These bones are the key parts of our foot. It provides adequate support by the combination of ligaments, tendons, and connective tissues. When all these things malfunction, Metatarsalgia occurs. At present, it is a common foot problem that encounters people of all sectors. Athletes are the main victims of it.
You can also detect whether you have metatarsalgia or not. It starts with a strong stabbing and burning pain in the foot area. So, if you have already started to feel something like this, you will need some time to recover. Now, let’s see how you can determine that time!
How Long Does It Take for Metatarsalgia to Go Away?

Actually, the recovery time depends on certain factors like your age, health condition, and the condition of your previous foot damage. Aside from this, recovery time also depends on the seriousness of your damaged bones. If you have a mellow foot torment, it will take only a couple of days to recover fully. On the other hand, if the foot torment is serious, then you will have to wait for a couple of weeks to get fully recovered. The pain of metatarsalgia is similar to a profound wound. When you walk, you will feel a stone under your foot. This feeling is more noticeable when standing or strolling on a hard surface.
However, if you have noticed the initial symptoms of metatarsalgia, you should focus on taking adequate rest. In this case, you have to keep your leg hoisted for 48 hours. If the case is a bit serious, you may need some dressings over your leg. In order to keep your foot and the dressing dry, you can purchase a waterproof cover from the medical stores near you.
For post-surgery, you may need to change your dressings every 3-4 days. Within this time, most of the patients recover their selves and come back to normal waking life. If you have taken any surgery, you will have to visit your medical specialist ten days after the surgery. This is because the dressings and the suture labels are usually cut by the experts within ten days after the surgery. After that, you will gain
your movement capability, and your joints will move again. Starting from this day, you can again use water and wash your leg. For the next eight weeks, you are not allowed to do any hard exercises, bouncing, hopping, or skipping to boost up the healing process.
Initial Treatments
The recovery process of every person varies. However, you can rely on some initial treatments to speed up your healing process by staying at your home. The main goal is to restore ROM (range of motion) along with reducing pain, swelling, and irritation. So, you have to proceed by keeping this as your main focus. Let’s have a look at some home treatments for metatarsalgia.
First of all, you have to limit all activities that you have done before. A simple activity can give hill-like pain. So, it would help if you kept this in mind when you are at the stage of metatarsalgia pain. Soon after you get relief from the pain, you can slowly start getting back into your normal days.

Target the painful areas and apply some ices as soon as possible. The more you can apply the ice therapy, the better you will start to feel. In this case, you have to keep in mind that the ice therapy shouldn’t be continued for more than 20 minutes. Make sure not to apply ice directly on your skin. For this, you can use a bag of frozen peas; it will be ideal even if you are using a gel pack style. If you have poor impaired sensation or poor blood circulation, you should take special care of yourself at the time of icing.
You can use an ACE wrap to create some compression around your swelling area. This will help your foot and ankle to reduce the swelling pain. In this case, make sure not to apply the ACE wrap too tightly. If your injury and the damage of bones are considerable, squeezing can be irritating.
Elevate your foot above the level of your heart so that you can feel less pain during the recovery session. For this, use your pillows and put them under your leg. This will position your leg above your heart level and reduce your swelling. In fact, this will be the perfect time to apply some ices on your legs and feet.
You can also try out some Metatarsalgia Rehabilitation Exercises when you feel that your swelling and pain have decreased. This will help you to gain your normal movement again. How will you get them? There is abundant information about some Metatarsalgia Rehabilitation Exercises; search them and follow the process.
Frequently Asked Questions
Will Metatarsalgia Go Away on Its Own?
Metatarsalgia is a foot condition that causes pain in the ball of your foot, specifically in the area where your toes join your foot. This condition can be caused by prolonged standing or walking and is most common among older adults.
This condition can result from plantar fasciitis, an inflammation of the plantar fascia ligament, which connects the heel bone to the base of your toes. In most cases, this condition will go away on its own with rest and gentle stretching exercises. However, if it persists for a long time without treatment or worsens significantly, then you may need to see a podiatrist for further evaluation and treatment options.
Is Metatarsalgia Serious?
Metatarsalgia is a medical condition where the metatarsal bone of the foot becomes inflamed. It is caused by irritation to the joints and can be very painful.
A metatarsal pain often results from injury, pressure, or overuse of a joint. Injuries such as running or jumping can cause metatarsal pain if your feet land in an unusual position or with too much force. If you experience this type of pain, it is important to visit your doctor for evaluation and treatment options.
What Can a Doctor Do for Metatarsalgia?
The most common symptom of metatarsalgia is a pain in the ball of the foot. It can also be mild discomfort in the toes or other parts of the foot. Some common causes for metatarsalgia are:
- Stress, arthritis, and gout.
- Overuse from too much walking or running on hard surfaces.
- A tight shoe that causes rubbing between your toes and/or heel bone.
- Plantar fasciitis (inflammation of plantar fascia) is caused by inflammation in one or more ligaments on top of your foot and/or heel bone.
Do Metatarsal Pads Work?
Metatarsal pads are a type of foot support that can be used to relieve plantar fasciitis and other types of heel pain.
There are many benefits to using metatarsal pads, but there is not enough scientific evidence to say for sure if they work or not. They may help alleviate pain by stabilizing the foot and reducing stress on the plantar fascia, which is where your heel bone meets your toes. Metatarsal pads have been shown to improve balance, reduce joint pain and increase walking speed in people with osteoarthritis.
It is important to keep in mind that metatarsal pads do not replace medical treatment for any condition; instead, they should be considered an additional option to relieve symptoms associated with certain conditions like plantar fasciitis or osteoarthritis.
Will a Walking Boot Help Metatarsalgia?
A walking boot is a device that helps the foot maintain its normal shape by providing protection and support to the area around the metatarsal heads.
Metatarsalgia refers to pain in the ball of your foot, which is caused by inflammation of the soft tissue between your second and third toes. It’s common in people who spend long periods on their feet. Symptoms can include tingling, numbness, swelling, or even a painful burning sensation in your toes or arch.
It may be caused by an overuse injury from too much pressure on one spot on your foot, such as when you walk for hours at work without shoes or socks.
Some self-treatments like strengthening the foot and ankle, improving the balance can also help you to reduce the pain. One of the most vital things that you should use is a specialized shoe. Change regular shoes and find something with additional padding and orthotic design. These shoes are specially designed for metatarsalgia. So, grab one from the market. Hopefully, the above discussion has clarified how long does it take for metatarsalgia to go away!