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How to Stop Shoes from Rubbing Achilles

Are you a victim of your lower legs and heels or shoes rubbing on your Achilles? Do you find that your footwear is not fitting properly and starts to rub on the back of your ankles or heels making them sore? I think you are looking for the answer to how to stop shoes from rubbing AchillesIf so, here are some tips for how to stop aching feet from rubbing. The first step in treating any foot problem is assessing its cause: wearing poorly fitted shoes with too much room.

How to Stop Shoes from Rubbing Achilies 2

This is a common problem for many people with wide feet. The shoes are too big and have excess space between the shoe bed and your foot, which can cause excessive rubbing as well as blisters on the heel or outside of your foot around the toes.The best thing to do if you find that all of these symptoms apply to you is to go back to where you bought them from so they may be able to offer an exchange or refund in accordance with their store policy.Another way to try and fix this issue is by trying another type of footwear like boots, high heels, or flip-flops that will give more support rather than being designed for comfort alone. If none of those options work out then there are always extra insoles!

10 Tips on How to Stop Shoes from Rubbing Achilles

1. Understanding Your feet Type

Firstly, you need to understand your feet type. Find out what is the type of your feet. Like narrow feet, wide feet, high-arched feet, low arches and so on.

Secondly, you need to understand what type of fit is necessary for you? Is it a roomy or tight one? Narrow shoes are perfect for people with narrow feet whereas wider toe boxes work better for those who have bunions or hammertoes.

Shoe companies such as Nike offer different types of footwear in order to suit the needs of their customers such as golf shoes, running sneakers, and more! Consider switching between your daily routines if nothing works out then try getting extra insoles whether they’re orthotic inserts or shoe pads!

2. Purchase a Perfect Size Shoe that Fit Your feet

It is important to purchase a perfect size shoe that fits your feet. Incorrect size shoes can lead to aching Achilles and other problems.You need to know how much room is necessary for the shoe? Do you want arch support or not? Getting shoes with enough space for your feet will provide optimum comfort. If you have wide arches then get shoes that offer a lot of space around them. This way, your foot

3. Considering the Material of the Shoe

you need to know the type of material in which the shoes are made out so that you can choose wisely! Shoes with leather soles provide better traction than rubber ones for example. Rubberized soles may not last as long but they’re easier on sensitive skin whereas leathers usually stay nice longer but their grip isn’t quite as good when wet or damp. Consider these factors before making a decision about what kind of footwear would work best for your needs!

Find out more tips at Nike’s blog: nikeblogger-11-tips-to-stop-shoes-from-

4. Wearing socks while wearing new shoes

You must need to wear a sock in your shoes if you want to avoid it from rubbing on the Achilles. Socks will help you to adjust the shoe more quickly.

Tip: You should also wear a thick sock in your shoes if you want to avoid it from rubbing on the Achilles. Thick socks will help you to avoid blistering and dry skin.

5. Wear padded inserts or gel insoles inside

You should always wear some type of padding inside your shoes to help reduce the friction. Padded inserts or gel insoles will do a great job at this and can be found in drugstores, sporting goods stores, and more!

Tip: You might want to try using custom made orthotic inserts if you have any medical conditions such as

6. Go to the nearest Cobbler to fix The Shoe

If you’re having problems with rubbing or pain, going to the nearest cobbler may be your best shot. Shoes can rub in a few different places and it’s possible that new shoes will need some adjusting before they are perfect for your feet.

7. Make Hard Leather Shoes Soft by Oil, Vaseline, Alcohol

If you’ve been wearing hard leather shoes for a while, it can be helpful to soften them up. Oil or vaseline applied to the inside of your shoe will do the trick and help combat rubbing. Alcohol is another option that’s easy to find in any grocery store.

Tip: A good rule of thumb when applying oil or vaseline is to use enough so that there are no visible dry spots on the inside of your shoe before you wear them again. If using alcohol, make sure not to get near seams because it will damage those areas more quickly than others!

8. Use Adhesive like Moleskin

If you have a spot on your shoe that is rubbing, use adhesive like moleskin. You can buy it in sheets or rolls with cutting lines. Cut the sheet to size and place it over the area of concern so there’s no rub on the skin anymore!

Tip: Remember that if you’re using this product for an extended period, such as while exercising or playing sports, make sure to replace the moleskin after about 12 hours because sweat will wear down its effectiveness.

Use multiple layers just in case one wears off sooner than anticipated. It may also be helpful to cut out small pieces instead of applying them all at once- then apply those sections piece by piece when needed!

9. Using a Duct Tape to Decrease Scouring

This is a great option if you’re in the field and can’t find anything to put on your feet! Duct tape can be used as an emergency bandage or for other quick fixes. It’s also good for those who are allergic to adhesive products like moleskin. Place duct tape over areas of concern, pressing down firmly so that it doesn’t move around while walking

Tip: Make sure not to use this method for more than 12 hours at a time because sweat will eat away at the adhesive. In addition, don’t place too much pressure on the area when using this technique since some people have found that it has caused blistering where there were no previous issues with rubbing shoes against their skin.

10. Trying to Maintain Break-In Period of Leather Shoes:

Many leather shoes require a break-in period before they feel comfortable to wear. So if you’re noticing that your new pair of dress shoes rub against the back of your heel, try wearing them with thin socks for an hour or two at home and then see how they fit when walking around in public.

You can also purchase shoe inserts specifically made for this purpose which will cushion the inside of the shoe from rubbing too much on sensitive skin while providing some arch support and stability.

Tip: If these fixes don’t work after a few tries, it may be time to get rid of that uncomfortable situations! The main cause behind discomfort is usually because there’s not enough room between where your feet are hitting the front part of the footbed.

11. Walking Around Slowly to Adjust the Shoe:

This one is less common, but it will let your heel properly adjust to the shape of the shoe.If you’re shopping online and need a specific size, order both! It doesn’t hurt to have an extra pair waiting in case they don’t fit right out of the box

Tip: If none of these steps work out, talk with a doctor about other options such as custom orthotics or surgery if necessary.”

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Vaseline Stop Shoes Rubbing?

There are many ways to help stop shoes from rubbing. You can use shoe inserts, wear socks with your shoes, or use a heel guard. Vaseline is not an effective way to help stop shoes from rubbing because it does not stay on the surface of the shoe and is easily removed by sweat or water.

Why Are My Running Shoes Rubbing My Heels?

The main reason why your running shoes are rubbing your heels is that they’re too tight.

To prevent this from happening, you should consider buying a half size larger than what you usually wear in shoes. Also, make sure that the shoe has an adequate amount of padding on the inside to protect your feet and heels from any potential friction or discomfort.

Why Do Shoes Always Give Me Blisters?

Blisters are caused by friction between the skin and a shoe. This can happen when you’re wearing shoes that don’t fit well or have tight, poorly cushioned soles. Shoes with poor cushioning will wear down quickly and cause irritation in the foot.

When you wear shoes that are too tight, they squeeze your toes together, which creates pressure on the balls of your feet and heels. This causes blood to pool in these areas, causing inflammation and ultimately blisters.

To prevent blisters from happening, make sure you get shoes that fit properly and choose a type of shoe with good cushioning like leather shoes or insoles with gel inserts for added support.


In conclusion, I think I could answer the question of how to stop shoes from rubbing Achilles. Follow few things, like choosing the correct size of the shoe, understand your feet type, maintain a break-in period of leather shoes, Fix it with a cobbler or use duct tape.